Newsletter 18/2012

Volkswagen Foundation Winter School: “Limits to Growth Revisited”

Application deadline: 30th April 2012

When:          24.11.-1.12.2012
Where:         Sonnentau Academy, Visselhoevede, Germany

The title of the Winter School refers to a book published 40 years ago dealing with the issue of sustainability. At the time, “The Limits to Growth” was a bestseller and shaped new modes of thinking. Since then, few things have changed and again developments in different societies call for new ways of thinking that promise a secure future for everyone. Major questions are: What is smart or good growth? What are the limits of the future? Why are so many findings of the report still unresolved? What are some possible solutions?

The Volkswagen Foundation aims to foster new thinking and the development of different models in all areas related to the “Limits to Growth” study at the crossroads of natural and social sciences. The Winter School “Limits to Growth Revisited” is directed specifically at 60 highly talented young scholars, both PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, from related disciplines.

The results of the Winter School will be presented at an international conference on “Limits to Growth” taking place from November 28 to November 29, 2012 in Hanover.

Further information

Anorthe Kremers


Verantwortlich: Fritz
Letzte Änderung: 28.03.2012
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