Newsletter 32/2013

CfA: GHS – FMSH Postdoctoral Fellowships

Application deadline: 30th April, 2013


The Fondation Maison de Science de l’Homme and the Gerda Henkel Foundation offer two 12-month postdoctoral fellowships for researchers in the humanities. Applications from promising young scholars worldwide are welcome.

Research projects in the following fields are supported in particular: Global History, Art History, History of Science, Islamic Studies, Philosophy.

Fellowships will start from September 2013 onwards.

Applications need to be related to the scientific activities developed by the permanent and associated researchers of the Externer Inhalt



Applications are submitted electronically via Externer Inhalt



Mrs. Sara Guindani-Riquier
Scientific Officer
FMSH/College d’études mondiales
Tel: +331 49 54 20 08 Externer Inhalt


Verantwortlich: Akkach
Letzte Änderung: 15.04.2013
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