Frequently Asked Questions about the Publication Grants


Applying for a Publication Grant




Who can apply for a publication grant?

Anyone who fulfils the following prerequisites can apply for a publication grant:

  • You completed your doctoral training at Heidelberg University, including your Rigorosum/Disputation, within the 12 months before the application deadline
  • You received a final grade of summa cum laude, mit Auszeichnung, or, in special cases only, magna cum laude on your dissertation
  • You can convincingly demonstrate that it is not possible for you to publish your dissertation electronically OR that the publication of your dissertation with a well-respected publishing house would substantially advance your academic career.


Is there an age limit?

No, you can apply regardless of your age.


Can the summary of my dissertation be longer than 5 pages?

No. Please limit your summary to a maximum of 5 pages.


May I write my application in English?



Is it possible to apply for a publication grant if my Rigorosum/Disputation takes place after the application deadline?

It may be possible to apply under certain conditions. Please contact the Graduate Academy Service Point to discuss the situation in detail.


Is it possible to receive a publication grant after my dissertation has been published (either electronically or as a book)?

No, a publication grant can only be approved for an unpublished dissertation.


Is there a form that the publisher must fill out for the price quotation?
No. You can submit the price quotation in the form used by the publisher.


Do I need to submit any other references or letters of recommendation?

No. Please submit only the documents listed on our web site.


Where do I submit my application?

You must submit your application only to the Dean’s Office of the Faculty in which you were registered as a doctoral candidate. Please do not submit your application to the Graduate Academy. Please be sure to submit your application both in paper form and as a PDF file on a CD.


Evaluation Process


What are the criteria for the evaluation of the applications?

  • Applicant’s qualifications
  • Academic relevance and quality of the dissertation project
  • Evaluation of the dissertation (summa cum laude, mit Auszeichnung, or, in special cases only, magna cum laude)
  • Recommendation by the Faculty


In which cases can an application for a dissertation with a final grade of magna cum laude be approved?

Such an application can be approved if it receives the recommendation of the Faculty and additionally, if the Faculty states the reasons why, in this case, the grade of magna cum laude should be considered equivalent to a summa cum laude or why the dissertation should, despite the lower grade, be considered to be excellent.


When will I receive notification of the decision regarding my application?

All applicants will be sent a letter by the end of December 2018 or the beginning of January 2019 to notify them of the decision regarding their application.


Receipt of a Grant


If my application is approved, what conditions must I fulfil in order to receive the grant?

You must fulfil the following conditions:

  • IMPORTANT!! You must submit the publisher's invoice as well as a copy of your book to the Graduate Academy at the latest by mid-September 2019. All of the grant funds must be paid out by October 1, 2019. If the publication of your dissertation is delayed beyond this time, it will be impossible for the Graduate Academy to pay out your grant.
  • The book must include the following formulation on the inside first page (Impressum Seite): “Gedruckt mit Unterstützung der Graduiertenakademie der Universität Heidelberg und mit Mitteln der Exzellenzinitiative.“


Further information is available in our statute :, S. 933-944 (in German only)


Editor: Akkach
Latest Revision: 2018-07-18
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