
Graduate Academy Heidelberg University

Service Point

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
Room 3
69120 Heidelberg

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Travel Grants for Doctoral Candidates at Heidelberg University


Call for applications sponsored by the 4EU+ Alliance at Heidelberg University


Heidelberg University is a member of the 4EU+ Alliance, consisting of Charles University in Prague, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University in Paris, the University of Warsaw, the University of Copenhagen and the University of Milan. 4EU+ aims to create a new quality of cooperation between the six universities in manifold areas. The goal is the creation of a ‘European University’ with compatible courses of study, flexible study paths for students and manifold mobility options for students, doctoral candidates and academic staff (


As a service partner of the 4EU+ Alliance at Heidelberg University, the Graduate Academy is pleased to announce this call for applications for travel grants for doctoral candidates at Heidelberg University.


The travel grants will support participation in academic activities at Heidelberg’s 4EU+ partner universities. Activities that can be funded are conferences, summer/winter schools and research trips (min. 3 days to max. 12 weeks). The travel grants will be paid out in the form of a lump sum each for living expenses and travel expenses as well as the reimbursement of conference participation fees, where applicable.




Pre-Requisites For Applying:

  • a university degree that qualifies you to pursue doctoral training,
  • official admission as a doctoral candidate to the appropriate Faculty at Heidelberg University,
  • the trip must be completed by December 31, 2022


For more information about the travel grants and the application procedure, please read through the FAQs carefully
» Guidelines / FAQs for applying for a travel grant from the 4EU+ European University Alliance


Web Administrator: Naranjo
Latest Revision: 2022-07-18
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