Contact information

Graduate Academy
Heidelberg University


Dr. Helke Hillebrand

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
Room 1
69120 Heidelberg

Telephone Icon 17x17 + 49 (0) 6221 54 - 19760

Useful Links

Organizational structure

Organizational divisions of the Graduate Academy:


Council for Graduate Studies
The Council for Graduate Studies is an advisory board of the University. It comprises members of the rectorate, the faculties, the graduate schools, the non-professorial teaching staff as well as (post)doctoral candidates. The Council discusses all fundamental issues concerning the support and promotion of doctoral candidates.
► Further information

Service divisions of the Graduate Academy:

Service Center: Services and stipends for doctoral candidates and postdocs
Advising and support for doctoral candidates and postdocs on all general, non-subject related issues.
► Further information

Advising and support for international doctoral candidates on visas and residence permits, insurance, housing and other questions about living in Heidelberg.  
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Doctoral fellowships; completion grants; publication grants; travel grants.
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Doctoral fellowships through the State of Baden-Württemberg (Landesgraduiertenförderung)
Awards of LGF funding for research training groups; annual awards and administration of doctoral fellowships provided by the doctoral funding program of the State of Baden-Württemberg.
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Funding within the heiDOCS Quality Management Program
Development and implementation of the administrative procedures for the heiDOCS funding programs in the university faculties.

Seminar program for academic and professional development
Bilingual course program (German/English) for general academic and professional development (e.g. academic writing, project and time management or external funding).
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Communication / marketing / recruitment
International marketing and recruitment services for the University’s doctoral programs and researchers.

Support for professors and established researchers in the creation of new opportunities for young researchers
heiDOCS partner; information on programs and positions; support in planning and implementing training measures (for structured doctoral programs).
► Further information


More information
► Charter Council of Graduate Studies (German) Adobe
► Charter Graduate Academy (German) Adobe

Web Administrator: Falk
Last updated: 2021-08-27
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