LERU Doctoral Summer School 2025
Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2025 “Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience”
Dear Doctoral Candidates,
The 14th LERU Doctoral Summer School will be held at the University of Copenhagen from June 22-27, 2025. The theme for this year’s summer school will be “Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience”.
This year’s summer school will explore artificial intelligence from a variety of viewpoints – critical perspectives of the technology itself, ethical and legal implication and pitfalls, and practical exercises. The intended takeaway is cutting out the hype to learning to use AI to improve research and its applications for the good of humanity. To this end, PhD candidates from a wide range of research areas will gain both theoretical insights into AI as well as group-based hands-on experience in fields closely related to their own.
The summer school is aimed at doctoral candidates at an advanced stage of their training who are interested in AI and its uses and implications for their fields as well as for research more generally. Candidates must be available for the entire duration of the summer school and must be prepared to take part in all activities. All sessions and activities will be held in English.
The preliminary program of the summer school can be downloaded here.
As a member of LERU, Heidelberg University can send 1 or 2 doctoral candidates to the summer school. The Graduate Academy will select the final participants from the group of applicants.
Interested doctoral candidates should send their applications by email to the Graduate Academy (graduateacademy@uni-heidelberg.de) at the latest by January 20, 2025. The application must consist of the following documents:
• Curriculum vitae and motivation letter including a short description of the doctoral project (in English)
• Letter of recommendation from the doctoral supervisor (in English)
The application should not be longer than 4 pages.
Participation in the summer school will be supported by the Graduate Academy with a travel grant to cover the participation fee (including course materials, accommodations, etc). Participants will be responsible for their own travel, meals outside the program, and private social activities.
Best regards,
The Team of the Graduate Academy