Newsletter 004/2009
ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, Hamburg: 6-8 Ph.D. Scholarships in Migration Studies
Deadline: February 25th, 2009
The Bucerius Ph.D. scholarship program in migration studies "Settling Into Motion" offers up to eight scholarships for Ph.D. theses addressing migration in changing societies. Applicants must be Ph.D. students of - in a broad sense - social sciences. Scholarships are granted for 1 year, given satisfactory progress the scholarship will be extended by another 2 years.
The scholarship includes:
- Monthly stipend of 1.200 Euros, additional funds for special research needs available on an individual basis
- Yearly conference
- Yearly field trip on contemporary migration topic
- Students communicate on a web-based platform and organize workshops supported by a program assistant
- the completed application form
- an expose of the dissertation (10 pages max.)
- a research plan with time schedule (1 page)
- a copy of the university degree
- a curriculum vitae
- a photo
- two references from the supervisors
Please apply online at:
Here you can find further information about the scholarship.
Anna Hofmann
ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius
Feldbrunnenstraße 56
20148 Hamburg
040/ 41336-785
040/ 41336-777
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