Newsletter 043/2009
Graduate Academy, Heidelberg University:
Doctoral Research Fellowships - Call for Applications under the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz (LGFG)
Application deadline: 15 September 2009
TheAnticipated start of funding: 01 January 2010
Duration of fellowship: Up to three years
Fellowship amount: 1,000 Euro/month plus a travel and materials allowance of 110 Euro/month
Please submit the following documents in order to apply:
- Certificate of acceptance as doctoral student in the appropriate faculty
- Application form for a fellowship under the Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz (LGFG) (form can be downloaded from our web site)
- Outline of your doctoral project (max. 5 pages) with bibliography
- Time schedule for completion of the project
- Curriculum vitae in table form
- Evaluations from two University lecturers (form can be downloaded from our web site), both evaluations must be attached to the application in sealed envelopes
- University diplomas or certificates (copies)
Prerequisites for being awarded a fellowship:
- Any employment during receipt of the fellowship must be related to the subject of your doctorate; your yearly income may not exceed 7,380 Euro
Please find more information at:
Applications received after 15 September 2009 and incomplete applications will not be considered. Please send your application to the faculty at which you are enrolled as a doctoral student. The faculty addresses are available at:
Application forms can be downloaded from the
Birgit Bell
2nd floor, room 252
Kettengasse 12
Tuesday und Thursday from 9 am to 12 am
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Birgit Bell
Tel: +49 (0) 6221/54-3762
Web Administrator:
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