Newsletter 080/2009

Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) / Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU):

Bionic Award 2010

Deadline: January 22nd, 2010


In 2010 the international Bionic-Award will be presented for the second time. International submissions of papers on the subject of bionics will be accepted. The prize will be awarded for an outstanding work by a team of young scientists and researchers or a single young scientist/researcher, for example for the development of a bionic product or for a doctoral thesis/post doctoral thesis, which was completed within the last two years before the deadline for submission of papers. Only direct applications will be accepted, proposals made by a third party are excluded.

Submission of documents
- Detailed statement of the work, doctoral thesis or post doctoral thesis, 20DIN-A4-pages maximum
- Abstract (max. 1 page DIN-A4)
- Ideas for the implementation and industrial application as well as market potential
- CV/CVs of the author/group of authors


Please email these documents in the above order as one single PDF-file to:
Subject line: Bionic-Award 2010

For more information about the award please click on the following link:

VDI-Gesellschaft Technologies of Sciences
Postfach 101139

40002 Düsseldorf
Tel: +49 (0) 211 6214-266

Web Administrator: Fritz
Last updated: 2018-05-23
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