Newsletter 44/ 08-10-2015

Application to IMPRS-HD


Deadline: 21-11-2015


The International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy & Cosmic Physics at the University of Heidelberg (IMPRS-HD) is a graduate school offering a doctoral degree program (Dr.rer.nat.) in astrophysics.


We welcome applications from students of all countries. Successful candidates will be selected based on their excellence as proven by their university record and by letters of recommendation. A selection committee composed of members from all participating institutes and the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy will review the applications. It will advice potential supervisors about the candidates and their qualifications.

The final decision about acceptance of a student for a certain thesis project is made by the supervisor of that project.

Students are admitted to the IMPRS Graduate School once per year. The school program starts each year beginning of September. However, an earlier start of the actual PhD research work is possible.


Further information & application:

Verantwortlich: Eric Herbst
Letzte Änderung: 2015-10-08
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