Newsletter 83/2012

The German Society for Electron Microscopy (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektronenmikroskopie e.V.) invites to propose candidates for the Ernst-Ruska-Prize.

The prize is awarded for work carried out by younger scientists pioneering new capabilities of electron microscopy as a scientific technique through innovative instrumentation or novel methods of basic and general interest.

The Ernst-Ruska-Prize consists of a certificate, a financial award, as well as the honour of giving an Ernst-Ruska Distinguished Lecture at the Ceremony of Award. If a group of authors
receives the award, they will be awarded jointly. The ceremony will take place at the Microscopy Conference 2013 in Regensburg, Germany, Aug. 25th- Aug. 30th, 2013.

Further Information

Application Procedure
Proposals should include:
-appraisal of achievement
-reprints or preprints
-short CV including list of publications

Send your application on paper and CD to:

President of DGE
Prof. Dr. Josef Zweck
Fakultät für Physik
Universität Regensburg
90340 Regensburg

Prof. Dr. Josef Zweck
Phone: +49 (0)941 943 2590, -4188

Verantwortlich: vaboe
Letzte Änderung: 2012-11-26
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