Newsletter 89/2012
The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM), Vienna, opens the call for application for the JÓZEF TISCHNER Fellowship 2013 for
young Polish or Polish-American scholars. PhD students from the Humanities and Social Sciences are encouraged to apply.
The Józef Tischner Fellow will be invited to spend a six-month term from July to December 2013 at the IWM in Austria.
The fellowship amount is: EUR 9,300.
Application requirements
• must be Polish citizens or permanently reside in Poland; the fellowship is also open to Polish-American scholars
• must currently pursue their doctoral degree or have recently obtained a Ph.D.
• must not be older than 35 years
More information
Mary Nicklas
Fellows Programm Coordinator
Institut fuer die Wissenschaften vom Menschen
Spittelauer Laende 3
1090 Vienna / Austria
Phone:+43/1/313 58-108