Child Care Benefits Within the Framework of a Completion Grant
General information
In addition to the basic stipend, grant recipients can apply to receive child care benefits for their own child(ren). The child care benefit is a monthly payment of 400 Euro for one child or 500 Euro for two or more children.
Summary of §3 of the statute governing the child care benefits:
After submitting the correct application, a grant recipient can receive, in addition to the basic stipend, child care benefits under the following conditions:
(a) if the recipient or his/her spouse has been granted child allowance payments for a common child under the Income Tax Act or the Federal Child Allowance Act,
(b) if, as a single parent, the recipient receives child allowance payments for a child under the Income Tax Act or the Federal Child Allowance Act,
(c) if, due to his/her non-German citizenship, the recipient has no legal claim to child allowance payments under the Income Tax Act or the Federal Child
Allowance Act but can prove with a certificate from the local residents’ office (Einwohnermeldeamt) that his/her child(ren) live in his/her household.
If a claim to child care benefits arises during the grant period, the benefits will be granted beginning with the child’s month of birth. The child care benefit increases with the birth of the second child.
Applying for child care benefits:
Please submit to the Graduate Academy the Application for Child Care Benefits (Link to form ) as well as:
- a scanned copy of the birth certificate of each child AND
- a scanned copy of the child allowance statement (Kindergeldbescheid)
- in the case that, due to non-German citizenship, you have no claim to child allowance payments, a certificate from the local residents’ office (Einwohnermeldeamt) confirming that your child(ren) live fulltime in your household.
Please combine the above documents into one PDF file and send this with your remaining application documents to