Contact information

Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University

Academic and Professional Development

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
Room 4
69120 Heidelberg

Dr. Melanie Niese

Telephone Icon 17x17 + 49 (0) 6221 54 - 19769

Useful links

Nature Masterclasses


Nature Masterclasses


Nature Masterclasses On-demand@Heidelberg University

The Graduate Academy offers online courses developed by Nature Research. We have an institutional subscription to Nature Masterclasses. If you are a member of Heidelberg University, this subscription grants you access to all currently available online courses on the Nature Masterclasses platform Externer Inhalt.

Make the most of our subscription! Please find all details about the course contents and how to get access to them by clicking on the course you are interested in


  • Through the Graduate Academy’s subscription, you have access to all Nature Masterclasses online courses.
  • To start using a course, simply register on the Nature Masterclasses website
  • Note, when you register for the first time, make sure you connect to Heidelberg University’s internet or wifi. If you're off campus, please connect to the University’s campus internet remotely.
    More information: User Guide for Nature Masterclasses IP Access Adobe

(After registration, you can use the course with any internet connection because the website will remember our institutional internet connection for 6 months).

Register here to start using the courses:


Introduction to Nature Masterclasses On-Demand – Useful links





Course overview

Advancing your Scientific Presentations
Building a strong online researcher profile
Creating Successful Research Poster
Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting
Data Analysis: Planning and Preparing
Demystifying Grant Budgets
Effective Science Communication
Experiments: From Idea to Design
Finding Funding Opportunities
Focus on Peer Review
Getting an Academic Research Position
Increasing your Visibility as a Researcher Using Social Media
Interpreting Scientific Results
Introduction to Collaboration
Leading a Collaboration
Managing Research Data to Unlock its Full Potential
Narrative Tools for Researchers
Networking for Researchers
Participating in a Collaboration
Persuasive Grant Writing
Publishing a Research Paper
Research Integrity: Publication Ethics
Writing a Research Paper
Writing and Publishing a Review Paper
Web Administrator: Naranjo
Latest Revision: 2024-07-03
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