Newsletter 84/2013

3rd Doctoral Students' Week

Dear doctoral students,

Our third Doctoral Students’ Week entitled „What’s Next After Your PhD? Profiles, Competencies, Careers” will be taking place from 21 – 26 October 2013.  Please go to the Graduate Academy web site for more information about the workshops as well as the opportunity to register. The Doctoral Students’ Week flyer also gives an overview of the events.

We would particularly like to draw your attention and warmly invite you to the Doctoral Students’ Reception on 23 October 2013 at 6 pm in the auditorium of the Neue Universität. Professor Monika Sieverding will be giving a talk in German entitled “Perspektiven nach der Promotion”. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to mingle and chat over wine and pretzels.  In order to facilitate our planning, we would kindly ask you to register for this event (see the link on our web site).

With best regards,

Iris Koban

Verantwortlich: Kuehn
Letzte Änderung: 2013-10-15
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