Archive 2008
Archive 2009
Archive 2010
Archive 2011
Archive 2012
Archive 2013
Archive 2014
Archive 2015
Archive 2016
Archive 2017
Archive 2018
Archive 2019
Archive 2020
Archive 2021
Newsletter 06/ 11-02-2024NEW! “Brain Booster” sessions – now part of our Academic Writing Group (AWG) program starting in March 2025
Newsletter 05/ 04-02-2025
Seminar program 03/2025 - Schreibblockaden, Wiedereinstieg nach langer Promotionsphase, Shell Scripting, Scientific Writing with AI Assistants
Newsletter 04/ 28-01-2025
Online course "Perfect PowerPoint" from February 10 by PLANT 2030 ACADEMY
Newsletter 03/ 21-01-2025
Promotionsstipendium (Individualstipendium) der Landesgraduiertenförderung am Kunsthistorischen Institut (KHI) in Florenz Application deadline: 15-03-2025
Newsletter 02/ 14-01-2025
E-learning program “Statistical Research Methods”
Newsletter 01/ 07-01-2025
Reminder! Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2025 “Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience” Application deadline: 20-01-2025
Newsletter 51/ 17-12-2024Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2025 “Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience”
Newsletter 50/ 10-12-2024
Workshops for doctoral candidates: seminar program 1/2025
Newsletter 49/ 03-12-2024
Körber Foundation – German Study Award 2025 Deadline: 01-03-2025
Newsletter 48/ 26-11-2024
Science communication: Workshops Nature Marsilius Visiting Professorship
Newsletter 47/ 19-11-2024
NEW! Seminar Program for Doctoral Candidates 2025-I and workshops in January
Newsletter 46/ 12-11-2024
+++Slots Available+++ Research Proposal Support for Doctoral Candidates
Newsletter 45/ 05-11-2024
Hochschulwettbewerb 2025: Kommunikationsprojekte zum Thema Zukunftsenergie gesucht
Newsletter 44/ 29-10-2024
Käthe Leichter Forum (KLF) INF 370: Co-working Spaces for Doctoral Candidates and Employees
Newsletter 43/ 22-10-2024
Workshops für Doktorand:innen: Seminarprogramm 11/2024
Newsletter 42/ 15-10-2024
Fellowships of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation Application deadline: 30.11.2024
Newsletter 41/ 08-10-2024
HGGS information event on October 21
Newsletter 40/ 01-10-2024
“Getting Started on Your Doctorate” on October 23 – Information Session for Doctoral Candidates Registration deadline: 21-10-2024
Newsletter 39/ 17-09-2024
Fulbright Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates Application deadline: 01-11-2024
Newsletter 38/ 10-09-2024
Completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 15-10-2024
Newsletter 37/ 03-09-2024
Nachwuchsakademie hei_INSTRUMENTS – Transdisziplinäre Instrumente zur Klimawandelanpassung New deadline: 08-09-2024
Newsletter 36/ 27-08-2024
Digital Program of the Graduate Academy
Newsletter 35/ 20-08-2024
Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates (NEW Online for night owls) Registration deadline: 24-09-2024
Newsletter 34/ 14-08-2024
Last Call: Survey of members of the university
Newsletter 33/ 13-08-2024
Letzte Chance! Seminarprogramm: Überzeugend auftreten, Health Promotion
Newsletter 32/ 06-08-2024
HGGS Graduate Membership & DAAD-GSSP Scholarships 2024 Application deadline: 01-11-2024
Newsletter 31/ 30-07-2024
Nature Masterclasses live webinar “Leveraging your online researcher profile: Insights from editors, researchers and journalists” on September 3
Newsletter 30/ 23-07-2024
Call for proposals – Romani Rose Fellowship Deadline: 30-09-2024
Newsletter 29/ 16-07-2024
Nachwuchsakademie hei_INSTRUMENTS Registration deadline: 08-09-2024
Newsletter 28/ 09-07-2024
Seminar program 09/2024: Disputation, Überzeugend auftreten, Konzentrierter arbeiten, Conference Presentation, Thesis Defense, Health Promotion
Newsletter 27/ 02-07-2024
NEW! Nature Masterclasses microlearning “Building a strong online researcher profile” – how to benefit from being visible online
Newsletter 26/ 25-06-2024
Käthe Leichter Forum (KLF) INF 370: Co-working Spaces for Doctoral Candidates and Employees
Newsletter 25/ 18-06-2024
Invitation UniWiND-Symposium "Advancing international perspectives for early career researchers“ Registration deadline: 15-07-2024
Newsletter 24/ 11-06-2024
"Science in the City": Join us at for career advice for young scientists on June 18
Newsletter 23/ 04-06-2024
Graduate Academy Seminar Program 2024-II and workshop „Writing for a Non-Scientist Audience”
Newsletter 22/ 03-06-2024
"Publishing in Nature" - Talk by Dr. Michael White, Senior Editor at Nature - Join us on June 14!
Newsletter 21/ 28-05-2024
heiDOCS 2.0 funding program - deadline: June 15
Newsletter 20/ 21-05-2024
Doctoral Convention Information Event on May 29th
Newsletter 19/ 14-05-2024
Impact Day on May 15 - Workshops and more
Newsletter 18/ 07-05-2024
Digital "Bulletin Board" of the Graduate Academy
Newsletter 17/ 30-04-2024
Introducing the Graduate Academy’s media room
Newsletter 16/ 23-04-2024
Fulbright Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates Application deadline: 01-06-2024
Newsletter 15/ 16-04-2024
Seminar program 04-05/2024: Überzeugend auftreten, Erfolgreich publizieren, Wirtschaft oder Wissenschaft, Make an Impact
Newsletter 14/ 09-04-2024
Save the date! Nature Masterclasses – online introduction and Q&A on May 15
Newsletter 13/ 02-04-2024
Heidelberg University and KIT – Pitch Competition “Falling Walls Lab 2024” Application deadline: 01-05-2024, Event date: 10-07-2024
Newsletter 12/ 26-03-2024
NEW! information video on "Starting your doctoral training at Heidelberg University"
Newsletter 11/ 12-03-2024
+++Slots Available+++ Research Proposal Support for Doctoral Candidates
Newsletter 10/ 05-03-2024
Seminarprogramm 03-04/2024: Video, Job applications, Überzeugend auftreten, Vermeidung von Plagiaten
Newsletter 09/ 29-02-2024
Individual doctoral fellowships and completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 12-04-2024
Newsletter 08/ 27-02-2024
NEW! The Graduate Academy’s media room is now open for booking!
Newsletter 07/ 20-02-2024
Travel Allowances for Doctoral Candidates from the Heidelberg University Young Researchers Fund Deadline: 15-04-2024
Newsletter 06/ 13-02-2024
Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates – Registration is now open
Newsletter 05/ 06-02-2024
Nature Masterclass “Writing a Research Paper”: Webinar on February 19 / 20 Event dates: 19,20-02-2024
Newsletter 04/ 30-01-2024
Seminar program 02-03/2024: Writing for a Non-Scientist Audience, Podcast, Schreibblockaden, Berufseinstieg, Video, wiss. Karriere
Newsletter 03/ 23-01-2024
Promotionsstipendien (Individualstipendien) der Landesgraduiertenförderung am Kunsthistorischen Institut (KHI) in Florenz Application deadline: 15-03-2024
Newsletter 02/ 16-01-2024
Call for Applications: HGGS Membership and DAAD-GSSP Scholarships 2024 Application deadline: 01-03-2024
Newsletter 01/ 09-01-2024
Contributing To The World’s To Do List – SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being Talks: 01-02-2024
News Archive 2020
Talks: 01-02-2024
Newsletter 53/ 19-12-2023heiDOCS 2.0 funding program for doctoral candidates
Newsletter 52/ 05-12-2023
Seminarprogramm 12-2023: Besprechungen moderieren // NEW! E-Learning "Avoiding Plagiarism"
Newsletter 51/ 28-11-2023
Körber Foundation – German Study Award 2024 Deadline: 01-03-2024
Newsletter 50/ 15-11-2023
NEW! Seminar Program 2024-I and workshops in January
Newsletter 49/ 14-11-2023
Käthe Leichter Forum (KLF) INF 370: Co-working Spaces for Doctoral Candidates and Employees
Newsletter 48/ 07-11-2023
Seminarprogramm: Workshop “Shared Leadership” am 28. & 29.11.2023 – online
Newsletter 47/ 31-10-2023
Study: Time Use, Networking Behavior, and Visibility in Academia Participation deadline: 12-11-2023
Newsletter 46/ 24-10-2023
Seminar program 10-11: Berufsorientierung, Logik, Leadership
Newsletter 45/ 17-10-2023
Workshop series "Academic writing for doctoral candidates"
Newsletter 44/ 10-10-2023
Fellowships of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation Application deadline: 30-11-2023
Newsletter 43/ 04-10-2023
“Getting Started on Your Doctorate” on October 25 – Information Session for Doctoral Candidates Registration deadline: 23-10-2023, Event date: 25-10-2023
Newsletter 42/ 02-10-2023
Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates – Registration is now open
Newsletter 41/ 16-09-2023
FRIENDLY REMINDER – Your presentation at „Contributing To The World’s To Do List Deadline: 15-10-2023
Newsletter 40/ 19-09-2023
Fulbright Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates Application deadline: 01-11-2023
Newsletter 39/ 12-09-2023
Workshop „ChatGPT” am 04.10.2023 – online über heiCONF
Newsletter 38/ 05-09-2023
Doctoral fellowship of the Landesgraduiertenförderung in the field of historical antiziganism research Application deadline: 31-10-2023
Newsletter 37/ 29-08-2023
CfA „Contributing To The World’s To Do List – Heidelberg Doctoral Students Introduce Themselves“ Deadline: 15-10-2023
Newsletter 36/ 22-08-2023
Podcast "Supervison"
Newsletter 35/ 15-08-2023
Pivot-RP – suitable funding options for your research & save the date: Online seminar Pivot-RP on 25.10. Registration deadline: 25-09-2023
Newsletter 34/ 08-08-2023
Digital Program of the Graduate Academy
Newsletter 33/ 01-08-2023
Call for proposals – Romani Rose Fellowship Deadline: 30-09-2023
Newsletter 32/ 25-07-2023
Nature Masterclass – NEW! “Effective Science Communication”
Newsletter 31/ 18-07-2023
Seminar Program 09/2023
Newsletter 30/ 11-07-2023
Stellenausschreibung der Graduiertenakademie Heidelberg – Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft zur Sprachberatung für internationale Doktorand:innen (Deutsch für Nicht-Muttersprachler:innen) Application deadline: 02-08-2023
Newsletter 29/ 04-07-2023
NEW! Online Course – Epigeum: Research Integrity
Newsletter 28/ 27-06-2023
NEW! „Contributing To The World’s To Do List – Heidelberger Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden stellen sich vor“ – kick-off event on July 13
Newsletter 27/ 20-06-2023
Sixth Nature Marsilius Visiting Professorship "Science Communication": Michele Catanzaro
Newsletter 26/ 13-06-2023
„How to plan and write a competitive research or grant proposal“ – Workshop of the Graduate Academy for late-stage doctoral candidates Event date: 18-07-2023
Newsletter 25/ 06-06-2023
Nature Masterclasses webinar on “Demystifying Grant Budgets: A Beginner’s Guide for Researchers” Event dates: 14-06, 15-06
Newsletter 24/ 30-05-2023
Digital "Bulletin Board" of the Graduate Academy
Newsletter 23/ 23-05-2023
Sixth Nature Marsilius Visiting Professorship "Science Communication": Michele Catanzaro
Newsletter 22/ 16-05-2023
Graduate Academy Seminar Program 2023-II online!
Newsletter 21/ 09-05-2023
Do you follow us on Instagram? Get first-hand news for doctoral candidates at Heidelberg University!
Newsletter 20/ 03-05-2023
Survey about your Doctoral Training at Heidelberg University
Newsletter 19/ 25-04-2023
“Getting Started on Your Doctorate” on May 10 – Information Session for Doctoral Candidates Registration until: 08-05-2023
Newsletter 18/ 18-04-2023
Call for Candidates: The Doctoral Convention seeks Candidates for the Election to the Executive Committee (June 20-26)
Newsletter 17/ 11-04-2023
Travel Allowances for Doctoral Candidates from the Heidelberg University Young Researchers Fund Deadline: 21-05-2023
Newsletter 16/ 04-04-2023
Heidelberg University and KIT – Pitch Competition “Falling Walls Lab” Deadline: 28-04-2023, Event date: 17-06-2023
Newsletter 15/ 28-03-2023
heiCO Campus Management System, Energy Price Allowance & JugendticketBW
Newsletter 14/ 21-03-2023
Online Course – Advancing your Research Career – Strategies for Research Leadership (by Epigeum / SAGE)
Newsletter 13/ 16-03-2023
Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2023 “Concepts of intervention science applied to global challenges” Application deadline: 27-03-2023
Newsletter 12/ 15-03-2023
Promotionsstipendien (Individualstipendien) der Landesgraduiertenförderung am Kunsthistorischen Institut (KHI) in Florenz Application deadline: 14-04-2023
Newsletter 11/ 14-03-2023
Writing Support Services at the Graduate Academy – Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates Information session: 21-03-2023
Newsletter 10/ 07-03-2023
Individual doctoral fellowships and completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 14-04-2023
Newsletter 09/ 28-02-2023
Seminar Program 03/2023 – Existenzgründung, Career Development, Writing for a Non-Scientist Audience, Linux Shell, BWL
Newsletter 08/ 21-02-2023
Nature Masterclasses – Online Courses for Doctoral Candidates and Young Researchers at Heidelberg University
Newsletter 07/ 14-02-2023
+++Slots Available+++ Research Proposal Support for Doctoral Candidates
Newsletter 06/ 07-02-2023
Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2023 “Concepts of intervention science applied to global challenges” Application deadline: 13-03-2023
Newsletter 05/ 31-01-2023
Language Support Services at the Graduate Academy – Academic Writing in German and English
Newsletter 04/ 25-01-2023
Seminar Program 02/2023 – Schreibblockaden überwinden, Verständlich Schreiben
Newsletter 03/ 24-01-2023
Call for Applications: 14 Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Collaborative Research Training Group "PERPHARMANCE" Application deadline: 31-01-2023
Newsletter 02/ 17-01-2023
Stellenausschreibung – Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Seminarprogramm Application deadline: 10-02-2023
Newsletter 01/ 11-01-2023
Call for Applications: HGGS Membership and DAAD-GSSP Scholarships 2023 Application deadline: 1 March 2023
Newsletter 63/ 20-12-2022Seminar program 01/2022 – new workshops for doctoral candidates
Newsletter 62/ 14-12-2022
Käthe Leichter Forum (KLF) INF 370: Co-working Spaces for Doctoral Candidates and Employees
Newsletter 61/ 13-12-2022
Workshop on “Interdisciplinarity” by the Heidelberg Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HGGS) Bewerbungsschluss: 21-12-2022, Veranstaltungsdatum: 27-01-2023
Newsletter 60/ 06-12-2022
NEW! Advancing your Research Career – Strategies for Research Leadership (online course by Epigeum / Oxford University Press)
Newsletter 59/ 29-11-2022
Körber Foundation – German Study Award 2023 Deadline: 01.03.2022
Newsletter 58/ 22-11-2022
Nature Masterclasses – NEW! "Experiments: From Idea to Design"
Newsletter 57/ 15-11-2022
Graduate Academy Seminar Program 2023-I online!
Newsletter 56/ 08-11-2022
Booster for life science research: The funding program beLAB2122 Application deadline: Anytime
Newsletter 55/ 04-11-2022
Panel Discussion "Career Development and Leadership" (Online Broadcast) Event date: 14-11-2022
Newsletter 54/ 26-10-2022
Seminar Program 11/2022 – Publizieren in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften, Entrepreneurship, Team Communication
Newsletter 53/ 18-10-2022
Doctoral Convention: Invitation General Assembly on 18.10.2022
Newsletter 52/ 11-10-2022
“Getting Started on Your Doctorate” on October 25 – Information Session for Doctoral Candidates Registration deadline: 24-10-2022
Newsletter 51/ 04-10-2022
Online-Event: Join the launch presentation for Nature Masterclasses Event date: 05-10-2022
Newsletter 50/ 27-09-2022
Training Package "Career Development & Leadership" for Doctoral Candidates deadline: 13-10-2022
Newsletter 49/ 22-09-2022
Seminar Program 10/2022 – Berufsorientierung, Disputation, Richtiges Zitieren, Mastering the Unexpected, Logik und Argumentation, Research proposal
Newsletter 48/ 20-09-2022
STIBET-Programme (DAAD) – Additional Completion Grants for International Doctoral Candidates in 2022 Application Deadline: 03-10-2022
Newsletter 47/ 13-09-2022
Fulbright Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates Application period: 01-09-2022 - 01-11-2022
Newsletter 46/ 06-09-2022
Fellowships of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation Application deadline: 30-11-2022
Newsletter 45/ 30-08-2022
Writing Workshop of the Graduate Academy „The Art and Craft of English Academic Writing“ Event date: 02-09-2022
Newsletter 44/ 23-08-2022
Financial support of research initiatives within Field of Focus 2 Application deadline: 31-10-2022
Newsletter 43/ 16-08-2022
Doctoral fellowship in the field of historical antiziganism research Application deadline: 31-10-2022
Newsletter 42/ 09-08-2022
Call for Application for HGGS Membership Application deadline: 30-09-2022
Newsletter 41/ 02-08-2022
Stellenausschreibung der Graduiertenakademie Heidelberg – Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft zur Sprachberatung für internationale Doktorand*innen (Deutsch für Nicht-Muttersprachler*innen) Application deadline: 05-09-2022
Newsletter 40/ 27-07-2022
NEW! Nature Masterclasses – online courses for doctoral candidates and young researchers at Heidelberg University Webinar presentation: 05-10-2022
Newsletter 39/ 26-07-2022
Individual doctoral fellowship through the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI) in Munich Application deadline: 11-09-2022
Newsletter 38/ 19-07-2022
Extension of the Call for Applications from the 4EU+ Alliance of Heidelberg University - Travel Grants for Doctoral Candidates New application deadline: 3-10-2022
Newsletter 37/ 12-07-2022
Call for applications "Romani Rose Fellowship" Application deadline: 30-09-2022
Newsletter 36/ 05-07-2022
Stellenausschreibung des heiQUALITY-Büros – Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft in der Servicestelle Befragungen
Newsletter 35/ 28-06-2022
Survey: Doctoral supervision (European Network on Teaching Excellence) Deadline: 20-07-2022
Newsletter 34/ 22-06-2022
heiTRACKS University Heidelberg – Mentoring-Program for Postdocs Deadline: 30-06-2022
Newsletter 33/ 14-06-2022
Seminar Program 07/2022 – Überzeugend Auftreten, Poster Design, Bewerben 4.0, Communicating Science, Data Management Event dates: 05/06-07-2022, 07 & 12-07-2022, 20-07-2022, 26/27-07-2022, 28-07-2022
Newsletter 32/ 07-06-2022
Digital "Bulletin Board" of the Graduate Academy
Newsletter 31/ 31-05-2022
+++Free slots+++ Exposé consultation and workshop "Academic Writing in German" for PhD students Event date: 01.06.2022
Newsletter 30/ 24-05-2022
Call for Applications from the 4EU+ Alliance of Heidelberg University - Travel Grants for Doctoral Candidates Application deadline: 03-07-2022
Newsletter 29/ 17-05-2022
Graduate Academy Seminar Program 2022-II online!
Newsletter 28/ 10-05-2022
Digital Program of the Graduate Academy
Newsletter 27/ 06-05-2022
Special Colloquium with Steven Chu (Stanford) on Tuesday, May 10
Newsletter 26/ 03-05-2022
Announcement LGF Fellowships for the HCIAS Doctoral Program "Communication and Society in Ibero-America" Application deadline: 26.05.2022
Newsletter 25/ 27.04.2022
Call for Candidates: The Doctoral Convention (DC) is looking for Candidates for the Election of the new Executive Committee (June 06-14) Application deadline: 13-05-2022
Newsletter 24/ 19-04-2022
Falling Walls Lab KIT and Heidelberg University Application deadline: 09-05-2022
Newsletter 23/ 12-04-2022
Ombudsperson for doctoral candidates
Newsletter 22/ 05-04-2022
Workshop "Politeness and style in German written communication" on May 5, 2022
Newsletter 21/ 29-03-2022
Stellenausschreibung (Job Opening) - Graduate Assistent (geprüfte wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) with 40 hrs./week Application deadline: 26-04-2022
Newsletter 20/ 29-03-2022
Announcement 4EU+ DAAD Accompanying Program
Newsletter 19/ 24-03-2022
Seminar Program 04/2022 - Writing Articles for International Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences Event date: 20,21-04-2022
Newsletter 18/ 22-03-2022
+++consultation slots available+++ Research Proposal Support for PhD Students
Newsletter 17/ 15-03-2022
Individual doctoral fellowship through the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) at the Kunsthistorisches Institut (KHI) in Florenz / Individual doctoral fellowship through the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI) in Munich Application deadline: 14-04-2022
Newsletter 17/ 17-03-2022
The Doctoral Convention: Invitation to Round-Table Discussion "Future of Research in Challenging Times: an Inclusive and Value-Based Approach"
Newsletter 16/ 15-03-2022
LERU Doctoral Summer School 2022 “The University of the Future” Application deadline: 22-03-2022
Newsletter 15/ 10-03-2022
Individual doctoral fellowships and completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 14.04.2022
Newsletter 14/ 08-03-2022
Stellenausschreibung - Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Bereich Kommunikation (Grafik/Social Media) Deadline: 15-03-2022
Newsletter 13/ 01-03-2022
Solidarity with Ukraine - Information on support and offers of assistance
Newsletter 12/ 01-03-2022
Individual doctoral fellowships and completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 14-04-2022
Newsletter 11/ 22-02-2022
Seminar Program 03/2022 – Entrepreneurship, Überzeugend Auftreten, Open Science
Newsletter 10/ 15-02-2022
Academic Writing Support in German and English
Newsletter 09/ 08-02-2022
Call for Applications: HGGS Membership and DAAD-GSSP Scholarships 2022 Deadline: 01-03-2022
Newsletter 08/ 08-02-2022
LERU Doctoral Summer School 2022 “The University of the Future” Deadline: 14-03-2022
Newsletter 07/ 03-02-2022
Stellenausschreibung der Servicestelle der Graduiertenakademie Deadline: 27-02-2022
Newsletter 06/ 01-02-2022
STIBET-Programme (DAAD) - Completion Grants for International Doctoral Candidates Deadline: 07-02-2022
Newsletter 05/ 28-01-2022
University memorial service and counseling services Event date: 31-01-2022
Newsletter 04/ 25-01-2022
Änderung zur Stellenausschreibung Stellenausschreibung des Serviceportals für Studieninteressierte und Studierende (Raum 33 - internationale Studierende) Deadline: 15-03-2022
Newsletter 03/ 25-01-2022
Seminar Program 02/2022 – Peer-Feedback for Development Event date: 21,22-02-2022
Newsletter 02/ 18-01-2022
Vortrag Nature Marsilius Gatsprofessur: „Spurwechsel! Wie wir wieder mehr Menschen erreichen können“ Event date: 01-02-2022
Newsletter 01/ 11-01-2022
Stellenausschreibung Stellenausschreibung des Serviceportals für Studieninteressierte und Studierende (Raum 33 - internationale Studierende) Application deadline: 21-01-2022
Web Administrator:
Eric Herbst
Last updated: