
Register here to receive regular updates about fellowships, doctoral programmes etc.


Contact information

Graduate Academy Heidelberg University

Service Point

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
Room 3
69120 Heidelberg

Telephone Icon 17x17 +49 (0) 6221 / 54 - 19765


Walk-in office hours

Monday: 10 am to 12 pm
Tuesday: 2 pm to 4 pm
Wednesday: 10 am to 12 pm
Thursday: 10 am to 12 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm
and by appointment

Outside of our office hours you can reach us by telephone or email.



Archive 2008
Archive 2009
Archive 2010
Archive 2011
Archive 2012
Archive 2013
Archive 2014
Archive 2015
Archive 2016
Archive 2017
Archive 2018
Archive 2019
Archive 2020
Archive 2021



Newsletter 06/ 11-02-2024
NEW! “Brain Booster” sessions – now part of our Academic Writing Group (AWG) program starting in March 2025 

Newsletter 05/ 04-02-2025
Seminar program 03/2025 - Schreibblockaden, Wiedereinstieg nach langer Promotionsphase, Shell Scripting, Scientific Writing with AI Assistants 

Newsletter 04/ 28-01-2025
Online course "Perfect PowerPoint" from February 10 by PLANT 2030 ACADEMY 

Newsletter 03/ 21-01-2025
Promotionsstipendium (Individualstipendium) der Landesgraduiertenförderung am Kunsthistorischen Institut (KHI) in Florenz Application deadline: 15-03-2025

Newsletter 02/ 14-01-2025
E-learning program “Statistical Research Methods” 

Newsletter 01/ 07-01-2025
Reminder! Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2025 “Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience” Application deadline: 20-01-2025


Newsletter 51/ 17-12-2024
Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2025 “Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience” 

Newsletter 50/ 10-12-2024
Workshops for doctoral candidates: seminar program 1/2025 

Newsletter 49/ 03-12-2024
Körber Foundation – German Study Award 2025 Deadline: 01-03-2025

Newsletter 48/ 26-11-2024
Science communication: Workshops Nature Marsilius Visiting Professorship 

Newsletter 47/ 19-11-2024
NEW! Seminar Program for Doctoral Candidates 2025-I and workshops in January 

Newsletter 46/ 12-11-2024
+++Slots Available+++ Research Proposal Support for Doctoral Candidates 

Newsletter 45/ 05-11-2024
Hochschulwettbewerb 2025: Kommunikationsprojekte zum Thema Zukunftsenergie gesucht 

Newsletter 44/ 29-10-2024
Käthe Leichter Forum (KLF) INF 370: Co-working Spaces for Doctoral Candidates and Employees 

Newsletter 43/ 22-10-2024
Workshops für Doktorand:innen: Seminarprogramm 11/2024 

Newsletter 42/ 15-10-2024
Fellowships of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation Application deadline: 30.11.2024

Newsletter 41/ 08-10-2024
HGGS information event on October 21 

Newsletter 40/ 01-10-2024
“Getting Started on Your Doctorate” on October 23 – Information Session for Doctoral Candidates Registration deadline: 21-10-2024

Newsletter 39/ 17-09-2024
Fulbright Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates Application deadline: 01-11-2024

Newsletter 38/ 10-09-2024
Completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 15-10-2024

Newsletter 37/ 03-09-2024
Nachwuchsakademie hei_INSTRUMENTS – Transdisziplinäre Instrumente zur Klimawandelanpassung New deadline: 08-09-2024

Newsletter 36/ 27-08-2024
Digital Program of the Graduate Academy 

Newsletter 35/ 20-08-2024
Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates (NEW Online for night owls) Registration deadline: 24-09-2024

Newsletter 34/ 14-08-2024
Last Call: Survey of members of the university 

Newsletter 33/ 13-08-2024
Letzte Chance! Seminarprogramm: Überzeugend auftreten, Health Promotion 

Newsletter 32/ 06-08-2024
HGGS Graduate Membership & DAAD-GSSP Scholarships 2024 Application deadline: 01-11-2024

Newsletter 31/ 30-07-2024
Nature Masterclasses live webinar “Leveraging your online researcher profile: Insights from editors, researchers and journalists” on September 3 

Newsletter 30/ 23-07-2024
Call for proposals – Romani Rose Fellowship Deadline: 30-09-2024

Newsletter 29/ 16-07-2024
Nachwuchsakademie hei_INSTRUMENTS Registration deadline: 08-09-2024

Newsletter 28/ 09-07-2024
Seminar program 09/2024: Disputation, Überzeugend auftreten, Konzentrierter arbeiten, Conference Presentation, Thesis Defense, Health Promotion 

Newsletter 27/ 02-07-2024
NEW! Nature Masterclasses microlearning “Building a strong online researcher profile” – how to benefit from being visible online 

Newsletter 26/ 25-06-2024
Käthe Leichter Forum (KLF) INF 370: Co-working Spaces for Doctoral Candidates and Employees 

Newsletter 25/ 18-06-2024
Invitation UniWiND-Symposium "Advancing international perspectives for early career researchers“ Registration deadline: 15-07-2024

Newsletter 24/ 11-06-2024
"Science in the City": Join us at for career advice for young scientists on June 18 

Newsletter 23/ 04-06-2024
Graduate Academy Seminar Program 2024-II and workshop „Writing for a Non-Scientist Audience” 

Newsletter 22/ 03-06-2024
"Publishing in Nature" - Talk by Dr. Michael White, Senior Editor at Nature - Join us on June 14! 

Newsletter 21/ 28-05-2024
heiDOCS 2.0 funding program - deadline: June 15 

Newsletter 20/ 21-05-2024
Doctoral Convention Information Event on May 29th 

Newsletter 19/ 14-05-2024
Impact Day on May 15 - Workshops and more 

Newsletter 18/ 07-05-2024
Digital "Bulletin Board" of the Graduate Academy 

Newsletter 17/ 30-04-2024
Introducing the Graduate Academy’s media room 

Newsletter 16/ 23-04-2024
Fulbright Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates Application deadline: 01-06-2024

Newsletter 15/ 16-04-2024
Seminar program 04-05/2024: Überzeugend auftreten, Erfolgreich publizieren, Wirtschaft oder Wissenschaft, Make an Impact 

Newsletter 14/ 09-04-2024
Save the date! Nature Masterclasses – online introduction and Q&A on May 15 

Newsletter 13/ 02-04-2024
Heidelberg University and KIT – Pitch Competition “Falling Walls Lab 2024” Application deadline: 01-05-2024, Event date: 10-07-2024

Newsletter 12/ 26-03-2024
NEW! information video on "Starting your doctoral training at Heidelberg University" 

Newsletter 11/ 12-03-2024
+++Slots Available+++ Research Proposal Support for Doctoral Candidates  

Newsletter 10/ 05-03-2024
Seminarprogramm 03-04/2024: Video, Job applications, Überzeugend auftreten, Vermeidung von Plagiaten 

Newsletter 09/ 29-02-2024
Individual doctoral fellowships and completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF)  Application deadline: 12-04-2024

Newsletter 08/ 27-02-2024
NEW! The Graduate Academy’s media room is now open for booking! 

Newsletter 07/ 20-02-2024
Travel Allowances for Doctoral Candidates from the Heidelberg University Young Researchers Fund Deadline: 15-04-2024

Newsletter 06/ 13-02-2024
Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates – Registration is now open 

Newsletter 05/ 06-02-2024
Nature Masterclass “Writing a Research Paper”: Webinar on February 19 / 20 Event dates: 19,20-02-2024

Newsletter 04/ 30-01-2024
Seminar program 02-03/2024: Writing for a Non-Scientist Audience, Podcast, Schreibblockaden, Berufseinstieg, Video, wiss. Karriere 

Newsletter 03/ 23-01-2024
Promotionsstipendien (Individualstipendien) der Landesgraduiertenförderung am Kunsthistorischen Institut (KHI) in Florenz Application deadline: 15-03-2024

Newsletter 02/ 16-01-2024
Call for Applications: HGGS Membership and DAAD-GSSP Scholarships 2024 Application deadline: 01-03-2024

Newsletter 01/ 09-01-2024
Contributing To The World’s To Do List – SDG 3 Good Health and Well-Being Talks: 01-02-2024

News Archive 2020
 Talks: 01-02-2024


Newsletter 53/ 19-12-2023
heiDOCS 2.0 funding program for doctoral candidates 

Newsletter 52/ 05-12-2023
Seminarprogramm 12-2023: Besprechungen moderieren // NEW! E-Learning "Avoiding Plagiarism" 

Newsletter 51/ 28-11-2023
Körber Foundation – German Study Award 2024 Deadline: 01-03-2024

Newsletter 50/ 15-11-2023
NEW! Seminar Program 2024-I and workshops in January 

Newsletter 49/ 14-11-2023
Käthe Leichter Forum (KLF) INF 370: Co-working Spaces for Doctoral Candidates and Employees 

Newsletter 48/ 07-11-2023
Seminarprogramm: Workshop “Shared Leadership” am 28. & 29.11.2023 – online  

Newsletter 47/ 31-10-2023
Study: Time Use, Networking Behavior, and Visibility in Academia Participation deadline: 12-11-2023

Newsletter 46/ 24-10-2023
Seminar program 10-11: Berufsorientierung, Logik, Leadership 

Newsletter 45/ 17-10-2023
Workshop series "Academic writing for doctoral candidates" 

Newsletter 44/ 10-10-2023
Fellowships of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation Application deadline: 30-11-2023

Newsletter 43/ 04-10-2023
“Getting Started on Your Doctorate” on October 25 – Information Session for Doctoral Candidates Registration deadline: 23-10-2023, Event date: 25-10-2023

Newsletter 42/ 02-10-2023
Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates – Registration is now open 

Newsletter 41/ 16-09-2023
FRIENDLY REMINDER – Your presentation at „Contributing To The World’s To Do List Deadline: 15-10-2023

Newsletter 40/ 19-09-2023
Fulbright Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates Application deadline: 01-11-2023

Newsletter 39/ 12-09-2023
Workshop „ChatGPT” am 04.10.2023 – online über heiCONF 

Newsletter 38/ 05-09-2023
Doctoral fellowship of the Landesgraduiertenförderung in the field of historical antiziganism research Application deadline: 31-10-2023

Newsletter 37/ 29-08-2023
CfA „Contributing To The World’s To Do List – Heidelberg Doctoral Students Introduce Themselves“ Deadline: 15-10-2023

Newsletter 36/ 22-08-2023
Podcast "Supervison" 

Newsletter 35/ 15-08-2023
Pivot-RP – suitable funding options for your research & save the date: Online seminar Pivot-RP on 25.10. Registration deadline: 25-09-2023

Newsletter 34/ 08-08-2023
Digital Program of the Graduate Academy 

Newsletter 33/ 01-08-2023
Call for proposals – Romani Rose Fellowship Deadline: 30-09-2023

Newsletter 32/ 25-07-2023
Nature Masterclass – NEW! “Effective Science Communication” 

Newsletter 31/ 18-07-2023
Seminar Program 09/2023 

Newsletter 30/ 11-07-2023
Stellenausschreibung der Graduiertenakademie Heidelberg – Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft zur Sprachberatung für internationale Doktorand:innen (Deutsch für Nicht-Muttersprachler:innen) Application deadline: 02-08-2023

Newsletter 29/ 04-07-2023
NEW! Online Course – Epigeum: Research Integrity 

Newsletter 28/ 27-06-2023
NEW! „Contributing To The World’s To Do List – Heidelberger Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden stellen sich vor“ – kick-off event on July 13  

Newsletter 27/ 20-06-2023
Sixth Nature Marsilius Visiting Professorship "Science Communication": Michele Catanzaro 

Newsletter 26/ 13-06-2023
„How to plan and write a competitive research or grant proposal“ – Workshop of the Graduate Academy for late-stage doctoral candidates Event date: 18-07-2023

Newsletter 25/ 06-06-2023
Nature Masterclasses webinar on “Demystifying Grant Budgets: A Beginner’s Guide for Researchers” Event dates: 14-06, 15-06

Newsletter 24/ 30-05-2023
Digital "Bulletin Board" of the Graduate Academy 

Newsletter 23/ 23-05-2023
Sixth Nature Marsilius Visiting Professorship "Science Communication": Michele Catanzaro 

Newsletter 22/ 16-05-2023
Graduate Academy Seminar Program 2023-II online! 

Newsletter 21/ 09-05-2023
Do you follow us on Instagram? Get first-hand news for doctoral candidates at Heidelberg University! 

Newsletter 20/ 03-05-2023
Survey about your Doctoral Training at Heidelberg University 

Newsletter 19/ 25-04-2023
“Getting Started on Your Doctorate” on May 10 – Information Session for Doctoral Candidates Registration until: 08-05-2023

Newsletter 18/ 18-04-2023
Call for Candidates: The Doctoral Convention seeks Candidates for the Election to the Executive Committee (June 20-26) 

Newsletter 17/ 11-04-2023
Travel Allowances for Doctoral Candidates from the Heidelberg University Young Researchers Fund Deadline: 21-05-2023

Newsletter 16/ 04-04-2023
Heidelberg University and KIT – Pitch Competition “Falling Walls Lab” Deadline: 28-04-2023, Event date: 17-06-2023

Newsletter 15/ 28-03-2023
heiCO Campus Management System, Energy Price Allowance & JugendticketBW 

Newsletter 14/ 21-03-2023
Online Course – Advancing your Research Career – Strategies for Research Leadership (by Epigeum / SAGE) 

Newsletter 13/ 16-03-2023
Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2023 “Concepts of intervention science applied to global challenges” Application deadline: 27-03-2023

Newsletter 12/ 15-03-2023
Promotionsstipendien (Individualstipendien) der Landesgraduiertenförderung am Kunsthistorischen Institut (KHI) in Florenz Application deadline: 14-04-2023

Newsletter 11/ 14-03-2023
Writing Support Services at the Graduate Academy – Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates Information session: 21-03-2023

Newsletter 10/ 07-03-2023
Individual doctoral fellowships and completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 14-04-2023

Newsletter 09/ 28-02-2023
Seminar Program 03/2023 – Existenzgründung, Career Development, Writing for a Non-Scientist Audience, Linux Shell, BWL 

Newsletter 08/ 21-02-2023
Nature Masterclasses – Online Courses for Doctoral Candidates and Young Researchers at Heidelberg University 

Newsletter 07/ 14-02-2023
+++Slots Available+++ Research Proposal Support for Doctoral Candidates 

Newsletter 06/ 07-02-2023
Call for Participants – LERU Doctoral Summer School 2023 “Concepts of intervention science applied to global challenges” Application deadline: 13-03-2023

Newsletter 05/ 31-01-2023
Language Support Services at the Graduate Academy – Academic Writing in German and English 

Newsletter 04/ 25-01-2023
Seminar Program 02/2023 – Schreibblockaden überwinden, Verständlich Schreiben  

Newsletter 03/ 24-01-2023
Call for Applications: 14 Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates in the Collaborative Research Training Group "PERPHARMANCE" Application deadline: 31-01-2023

Newsletter 02/ 17-01-2023
Stellenausschreibung – Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Seminarprogramm Application deadline: 10-02-2023

Newsletter 01/ 11-01-2023
Call for Applications: HGGS Membership and DAAD-GSSP Scholarships 2023  Application deadline: 1 March 2023


Newsletter 63/ 20-12-2022
Seminar program 01/2022 – new workshops for doctoral candidates 

Newsletter 62/ 14-12-2022
Käthe Leichter Forum (KLF) INF 370: Co-working Spaces for Doctoral Candidates and Employees 

Newsletter 61/ 13-12-2022
Workshop on “Interdisciplinarity” by the Heidelberg Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences (HGGS) Bewerbungsschluss: 21-12-2022, Veranstaltungsdatum: 27-01-2023

Newsletter 60/ 06-12-2022
NEW! Advancing your Research Career – Strategies for Research Leadership (online course by Epigeum / Oxford University Press) 

Newsletter 59/ 29-11-2022
Körber Foundation – German Study Award 2023 Deadline: 01.03.2022

Newsletter 58/ 22-11-2022
Nature Masterclasses – NEW! "Experiments: From Idea to Design" 

Newsletter 57/ 15-11-2022
Graduate Academy Seminar Program 2023-I online! 

Newsletter 56/ 08-11-2022
Booster for life science research: The funding program beLAB2122 Application deadline: Anytime

Newsletter 55/ 04-11-2022
Panel Discussion "Career Development and Leadership" (Online Broadcast) Event date: 14-11-2022

Newsletter 54/ 26-10-2022
Seminar Program 11/2022 – Publizieren in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften, Entrepreneurship, Team Communication 

Newsletter 53/ 18-10-2022
Doctoral Convention: Invitation General Assembly on 18.10.2022 

Newsletter 52/ 11-10-2022
“Getting Started on Your Doctorate” on October 25 – Information Session for Doctoral Candidates Registration deadline: 24-10-2022

Newsletter 51/ 04-10-2022
Online-Event: Join the launch presentation for Nature Masterclasses Event date: 05-10-2022

Newsletter 50/ 27-09-2022
Training Package "Career Development & Leadership" for Doctoral Candidates deadline: 13-10-2022

Newsletter 49/ 22-09-2022
Seminar Program 10/2022 – Berufsorientierung, Disputation, Richtiges Zitieren, Mastering the Unexpected, Logik und Argumentation, Research proposal 

Newsletter 48/ 20-09-2022
STIBET-Programme (DAAD) –  Additional Completion Grants for International Doctoral Candidates in 2022 Application Deadline: 03-10-2022

Newsletter 47/ 13-09-2022
Fulbright Scholarships for Doctoral Candidates Application period: 01-09-2022 - 01-11-2022

Newsletter 46/ 06-09-2022
Fellowships of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation Application deadline: 30-11-2022

Newsletter 45/ 30-08-2022
Writing Workshop of the Graduate Academy „The Art and Craft of English Academic Writing“ Event date: 02-09-2022

Newsletter 44/ 23-08-2022
Financial support of research initiatives within Field of Focus 2 Application deadline: 31-10-2022

Newsletter 43/ 16-08-2022
Doctoral fellowship in the field of historical antiziganism research Application deadline: 31-10-2022

Newsletter 42/ 09-08-2022
Call for Application for HGGS Membership  Application deadline: 30-09-2022

Newsletter 41/ 02-08-2022
Stellenausschreibung der Graduiertenakademie Heidelberg – Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft zur Sprachberatung für internationale Doktorand*innen (Deutsch für Nicht-Muttersprachler*innen) Application deadline: 05-09-2022

Newsletter 40/ 27-07-2022
NEW! Nature Masterclasses – online courses for doctoral candidates and young researchers at Heidelberg University Webinar presentation: 05-10-2022

Newsletter 39/ 26-07-2022
Individual doctoral fellowship through the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI) in Munich Application deadline: 11-09-2022

Newsletter 38/ 19-07-2022
Extension of the Call for Applications from the 4EU+ Alliance of Heidelberg University - Travel Grants for Doctoral Candidates New application deadline: 3-10-2022

Newsletter 37/ 12-07-2022
Call for applications "Romani Rose Fellowship" Application deadline: 30-09-2022

Newsletter 36/ 05-07-2022
Stellenausschreibung des heiQUALITY-Büros – Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft in der Servicestelle Befragungen 

Newsletter 35/ 28-06-2022
Survey: Doctoral supervision (European Network on Teaching Excellence) Deadline: 20-07-2022

Newsletter 34/ 22-06-2022
heiTRACKS University Heidelberg – Mentoring-Program for Postdocs Deadline: 30-06-2022

Newsletter 33/ 14-06-2022
Seminar Program 07/2022 – Überzeugend Auftreten, Poster Design, Bewerben 4.0, Communicating Science, Data Management Event dates: 05/06-07-2022, 07 & 12-07-2022, 20-07-2022, 26/27-07-2022, 28-07-2022

Newsletter 32/ 07-06-2022
Digital "Bulletin Board" of the Graduate Academy 

Newsletter 31/ 31-05-2022
+++Free slots+++ Exposé consultation and workshop "Academic Writing in German" for PhD students Event date: 01.06.2022

Newsletter 30/ 24-05-2022
Call for Applications from the 4EU+ Alliance of Heidelberg University - Travel Grants for Doctoral Candidates Application deadline: 03-07-2022

Newsletter 29/ 17-05-2022
Graduate Academy Seminar Program 2022-II online! 

Newsletter 28/ 10-05-2022
Digital Program of the Graduate Academy 

Newsletter 27/ 06-05-2022
Special Colloquium with Steven Chu (Stanford) on Tuesday, May 10 

Newsletter 26/ 03-05-2022
Announcement LGF Fellowships for the HCIAS Doctoral Program "Communication and Society in Ibero-America" Application deadline: 26.05.2022

Newsletter 25/ 27.04.2022
Call for Candidates: The Doctoral Convention (DC) is looking for Candidates for the Election of the new Executive Committee (June 06-14) Application deadline: 13-05-2022

Newsletter 24/ 19-04-2022
Falling Walls Lab KIT and Heidelberg University Application deadline: 09-05-2022

Newsletter 23/ 12-04-2022
Ombudsperson for doctoral candidates 

Newsletter 22/ 05-04-2022
Workshop "Politeness and style in German written communication" on May 5, 2022 

Newsletter 21/ 29-03-2022
Stellenausschreibung (Job Opening) - Graduate Assistent (geprüfte wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft) with 40 hrs./week Application deadline: 26-04-2022

Newsletter 20/ 29-03-2022
Announcement 4EU+ DAAD Accompanying Program 

Newsletter 19/ 24-03-2022
Seminar Program 04/2022 - Writing Articles for International Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences Event date: 20,21-04-2022

Newsletter 18/ 22-03-2022
+++consultation slots available+++ Research Proposal Support for PhD Students 

Newsletter 17/ 15-03-2022
Individual doctoral fellowship through the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) at the Kunsthistorisches Institut (KHI) in Florenz / Individual doctoral fellowship through the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte (ZI) in Munich Application deadline: 14-04-2022

Newsletter 17/ 17-03-2022
The Doctoral Convention: Invitation to Round-Table Discussion "Future of Research in Challenging Times: an Inclusive and Value-Based Approach" 

Newsletter 16/ 15-03-2022
LERU Doctoral Summer School 2022 “The University of the Future” Application deadline: 22-03-2022

Newsletter 15/ 10-03-2022
Individual doctoral fellowships and completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 14.04.2022

Newsletter 14/ 08-03-2022
Stellenausschreibung - Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft im Bereich Kommunikation (Grafik/Social Media) Deadline: 15-03-2022

Newsletter 13/ 01-03-2022
Solidarity with Ukraine - Information on support and offers of assistance 

Newsletter 12/ 01-03-2022
Individual doctoral fellowships and completion grants of the Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Application deadline: 14-04-2022

Newsletter 11/ 22-02-2022
Seminar Program 03/2022 – Entrepreneurship, Überzeugend Auftreten, Open Science 

Newsletter 10/ 15-02-2022
Academic Writing Support in German and English 

Newsletter 09/ 08-02-2022
Call for Applications: HGGS Membership and DAAD-GSSP Scholarships 2022 Deadline: 01-03-2022

Newsletter 08/ 08-02-2022
LERU Doctoral Summer School 2022 “The University of the Future” Deadline: 14-03-2022

Newsletter 07/ 03-02-2022
Stellenausschreibung der Servicestelle der Graduiertenakademie Deadline: 27-02-2022

Newsletter 06/ 01-02-2022
STIBET-Programme (DAAD) - Completion Grants for International Doctoral Candidates Deadline: 07-02-2022

Newsletter 05/ 28-01-2022
University memorial service and counseling services Event date: 31-01-2022

Newsletter 04/ 25-01-2022
Änderung zur Stellenausschreibung Stellenausschreibung des Serviceportals für Studieninteressierte und Studierende (Raum 33 - internationale Studierende) Deadline: 15-03-2022

Newsletter 03/ 25-01-2022
Seminar Program 02/2022 – Peer-Feedback for Development Event date: 21,22-02-2022

Newsletter 02/ 18-01-2022
Vortrag Nature Marsilius Gatsprofessur: „Spurwechsel! Wie wir wieder mehr Menschen erreichen können“ Event date: 01-02-2022

Newsletter 01/ 11-01-2022
Stellenausschreibung Stellenausschreibung des Serviceportals für Studieninteressierte und Studierende (Raum 33 - internationale Studierende) Application deadline: 21-01-2022

Web Administrator: Eric Herbst
Last updated: 2025-01-12
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