Newsletter 032/2011
Naturejobs Career Expo – Special Offer for Doctoral Students at the University of Heidelberg
When: May 9th, 2011, 10 am to 5 pm >/h3>
Where: European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Advanced Training Centre
Spektrum der Wissenschaft invites doctoral students and junior researchers to experience a full day career fair for scientists in physics, chemistry, medicine, mathematics and the life sciences. One of numerous exhibitors, the University of Heidelberg will also be providing information about support for junior researchers in projects funded by the Excellence Initiative (Research Cluster CellNetworks, the Graduate School of Molecular and Cellular Biology (HBIGS) and the Graduate School MathComp) as well as about central support facilities such as the Graduate Academy and the Career Service of the University.
Admission to the exhibition and workshops at the Naturejobs Career Expo is free of charge. Doctoral students from the University of Heidelberg can obtain tickets to the conference program at a special rate of 25 Euros, reduced from 50 Euros.
Please send your registration with reference to this special offer for doctoral students at the University of Heidelberg to:
Anke Walter, E-Mail:
Tel. 06221 9126-744
Further information:
- please see the PDF document attached "Naturejobs Career Expo - Sonderkonditionen Promovierende"
as well as
- the online conference programme and the list of companies and research institutions exhibiting at