Newsletter 26/ 03-07-2018

"Welcome to Heidelberg" for doctoral students and Orientation Day "Welcome"  for newly-arrived postdoctoral researchers


Dear doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers,

We would like to remind you about two important welcome events happening at our university next week:

The Graduate Academy’s welcome event for doctoral students will be taking place on Wednesday July 11 at 4:00 pm at the Seminarzentrum D2 at Campus Bergheim.

Registration for the event will be open until July 8th at

More information:
► Program Welcome to Heidelberg (doctoral candidates) Adobe
► Registration form („Welcome to Heidelberg“ for doctoral candidates)
► Directions to the Seminarzentrum D2 Adobe


The Human Resources Department, for its part, has organized an orientation day for newly-arrived Postdoctoral Researchers, Junior Research Group Leaders and Junior Professors.

The event will take place on Tuesday July 10 at 5:00 pm at the Seminarzentrum D2 at Campus Bergheim.

More information:
► Program Welcome event (newly-arrived postdocs) Adobe
► Directions to the Seminarzentrum D2 Adobe


With best regards,
The Graduate Academy Team



Verantwortlich: Eric Herbst
Letzte Änderung: 2019-01-09
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