Press Releases - Archive







  • 23 November 2010
    New Research Training Groups at the University of Heidelberg
    Support for young researchers provided by the state of Baden-Württemberg.
    As of the winter semester 2010/2011, the University of Heidelberg Graduate Academy accepted three new research training groups into Baden-Württemberg’s funding program (Landesgraduiertenförderung) to support young researchers.
  • 21 July 2010
    Heidelberg: Germany’s Most Popular University for International Doctoral Students
    This is the conclusion drawn by the new Wissenschaft weltoffen 2010 study published by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Higher Education Information System (HIS). Among the 50 most important higher-education institutions enrolling international doctoral students, Heidelberg tops the list.
  • 16 March 2010
    Universität Heidelberg Presents Projects from the Excellence Initiative
    An information stand featured Heidelberg projects associated with the Excellence Initiative at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in San Diego.




Editor: Falk
Latest Revision: 2018-02-06
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