Contact information

Graduate Academy Heidelberg University

Service Point

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
Room 3
69120 Heidelberg

Telephone Icon 17x17 +49 (0) 6221 / 54 - 19765


Walk-in office hours

Monday: 10 am to 12 pm
Tuesday: 2 pm to 4 pm
Wednesday: 10 am to 12 pm
Thursday: 10 am to 12 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm
and by appointment

Outside of our office hours you can reach us by telephone or email.


Current News and Events













ALL DISCIPLINES: BMBF – Plant 2030 Academy: Online course “Perfect PowerPoint”

When? 10.02.2025

Where? Online

The PLANT 2030 ACADEMY, an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, offers online courses, workshops and other activities for young researchers. The new online course "Perfect PowerPoint" starts on February 10.

The course is the final part of a three-part series on the professional visualization and presentation of scientific data. It teaches the theoretical basics and offers practical instructions and in-depth exercises. Participation is free of charge.

Pfeil Further Information




ALL DISCIPLINES: University of Applied Sciences Dresden – HTWD Coffee-Hour

When? 12.02.2025, 4pm

Where? Online

The format of the Virtual Coffee Break consists of three parts, each lasting 45 minutes, and is aimed at all individuals interested in a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences (HAW).

In Part II of the Coffee Hour series on February 12, 2025, the project team of "prof@HTWD" will provide information on the " Requirements for the application documents for a HAW professorship." Among other things, they will explain the specific features distinguishing it from a university professorship and provide details on the appointment requirements.

Following the professional input, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions with the speakers and other participants.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: Hei_INNOVATION – Lunch & Learn: Fantastic female role models

When? 14.02.2025, 11 am – 1 pm

Where? hei_INNOVATION HUB, Im Neuenheimer Feld 370, 69120 Heidelberg

Lunch & Learn is a new series of events organized by hei_INNOVATION for inspiring lunch breaks together. Exciting input from strong personalities and insights into innovative projects invite you to network, exchange ideas and think ahead. Lunch is not neglected either.

The second event in the Lunch and Learn series will also focus on the topic of "Female Role Models". We would like to hear from Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren, Equal Opportunities Officer at Heidelberg University and Professor of Organizational Behavior, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, Chair of General Business Administration and Corporate Governance at the University of Mannheim, and Ina Schlie, multi-supervisory board member and business angel, about the role female role models have played in their own careers or research, and how they themselves cope with the role model function for young women.

The event will be held in German. It will also be filmed and photographed.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: GSO – Open Call: Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Program

Deadline: 16.02.2025

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), BFIO runs the Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Program.

In the current calls for applications, university graduates (Master's degree or diploma) with German citizenship, two to four years of professional experience, very good English skills, and majors in, for example, the following fields of study are sought:

  • Social and political sciences
  • law
  • Economics and finance
  • Natural sciences and engineering

The German government is currently advertising around 27 JPO positions in more than 17 different international organizations, e.g. the UN Secretariat in New York, UNDP in Amman, WHO in Geneva, UNODC in Vienna, WFP in Nairobi and the World Bank in Washington.

The JPO program offers junior German staff the option of gaining international work experience and thus significantly increasing their chances of competing for employment with international organizations.

These are regular employment contracts at the United Nations with a duration of two to three years.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg Research Service - Online information event on EU funding opportunities in the field of health

When? 20.02.2025, 13-14.30 pm

Where? Online

On February 20, 2025, the Heidelberg Research Service in cooperation with the Research Dean's Office of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg and the National Contact Point (NCP) Health will host an online information event on current and future funding opportunities in Horizon Europe for collaborative research projects in the field of health.

Prof. Christian Klein from the Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology at Heidelberg University will report on his experiences with his successful project proposal SHIELD in Cluster 1. The Heidelberg Research Service will also present its support services, in particular the new EU Coordination Service.

Pfeil Registration




ALL DISCIPLINES: Campus+ – Webinar “How to present research to a wider audience for greater impact”

When? Anytime

Where? Online

In its latest webinar, Campus+ spoke to four experts from the UK and North America to discuss how to expand the reach of your research beyond your institution.

Denise Baden from the University of Southampton, Patricia Raun from Virginia Tech, Gregory Goldsmith from Chapman University and Krystina Silva from the University of Alberta talked to us about:

  • How to use new media to amplify your work
  • How to build a stand-out online profile
  • Effective ways to discuss the impact of your research
  • Innovative methods of communication

You can watch the webinar free of charge on the website of Campus+.

Pfeil Access to the Webinar




ALL DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg Research Service – Information and Advice on Horizon Europe 2025

Deadline: Anytime

Under Horizon Europe, the EU's current framework programme for research and innovation (2021-2027), a large part of the funding budget is distributed by means of top-down calls for research proposals on specific subjects and aimed at international consortia of Principal Investigators (PIs) from different European universities and research organisations. These calls are predefined in work programmes for the various parts of Horizon Europe published every one or two years.

Current drafts of these work programmes are available from the Heidelberg Research Service. If you are interested in these calls and would like to coordinate or participate in a consortium applying for them, we kindly invite you to get in touch with the EU Team of the Heidelberg Research Service. In individual consultations, we can share the details of the EU drafts with you and advise you regarding the next steps.

If you are interested, then please contact Dr. Moritz Vogel ( or Dr. Xenja Herren (




ALL DISCILPINES: Heidelberg University – Courses of the Scientific Software Centre

When? Multiple dates

Where? Online

The Scientific Software Center (SSC) of Heidelberg University offers a variety of courses connected to scientific software development. If you want to learn git, how to test your software and about best practices in Python, then joing the half-day courses or block courses of the software center.

Pfeil Further information




ALL DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg University – IP & Transfer consultation hour of ScienceValue Heidelberg GmbH (SVH) at INF Campus

When? Multiple dates

Where? hei_INNOVATION Hub (INF 370)

Would you like to learn how to get the best possible protection for the intellectual property originating from your research results?

Then you are welcome to visit the next open IP & Transfer consultation hour of ScienceValue Heidelberg GmbH (SVH) at INF Campus Heidelberg to receive advice on all questions related to the exploitation of your intellectual property!
SVH's open IP & Transfer consultation hours at INF Campus Heidelberg are held monthly, usually on the first Tuesday of the month. The next scheduled dates are:

If you have any questions, for example about scheduling an individual appointment, you can contact their team by sending an email to or by visiting their website.

Pfeil Further Information



ALL DISCIPLINES: Graduate Academy – Focused Writing Group Program for Doctoral Candidates

The Graduate Academy would like to invite doctoral candidates from all faculties to participate in the Focused Writing Group Program to begin in April 2023.

The program will provide participants with a physical working space, experts on call, and a community of like-minded peers to support doctoral researchers in their academic and dissertation writing process.

Registration is now open for the initial cycle (April-June 2023). Visit the Graduate Academy Website for more information and the opportunity to register!

Pfeil Further information and registration




ALL DISCIPLINES: Baden-Württemberg Stiftung – Empowerment Tag

In Baden-Württemberg ist rund die Hälfte aller  Studierenden weiblich, doch nur wenige Professuren und  Führungspositionen in der Wirtschaft sind von Frauen besetzt. Um diese  Geschlechterungleichheit sichtbarer zu machen und Frauen aus der  Wissenschaft zu motivieren, ihre Karriereplanung in die Hand zu nehmen, veranstaltet die Stiftung jährlich den Empowerment-Tag. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen, an Studentinnen, Doktorandinnen und Postdocs, die in Baden-Württemberg leben. Der Empowerment-Tag am 27. April 2023 ist leider schon ausgebucht, aber auf der Empowerment-Tag Webseite können Sie sich registrieren, um frühzeitig über den nächsten Empowerment-Tag informiert zu werden. 

Pfeil Further information and registration




ALL DISCIPLINES: eDOCation – Young researchers ("eDOCs") Further education for companies

What is eDOCation all about?

eDOCation is the first online platform where young scientists ("eDOCs") offer continuing education for companies. I launched the initiative together with my former doctoral colleague Tobias Hornig (now a data scientist at Siemens). The platform contributes to the transfer of knowledge from universities into business practice and to improving the financial situation and future prospects of doctoral students, postdocs and junior professors. Market research conducted by us has shown that our eDOCs could earn a high three-digit € amount for a two-hour research workshop in companies. At the same time, eDOCation offers companies and their employees the opportunity to benefit from state-of-the-art science in the sense of lifelong learning and to gain access to the country's brightest minds as mentors in the "war for talent". The company is currently being promoted by the Stifterverband as one of the "30 best ideas for the education, science and innovation system of tomorrow" as part of the WIRKUNG HOCH 100 initiative. More information about eDOCation is available at and in the attached presentation.

You want to get to know us?

The eDOCation Powerbank regularly offers free and non-binding workshops that can support you in research & teaching as well as personal growth. The following events are planned for the semester break (including links to Eventbrite)

Would you like to give talks in companies and be one of our eDOCs?
Send us your application including the following documents

  • CV [or link to LinkedIn profile],
  • High resolution picture,
  • research topic/s,
  • training offer for companies (e.g. lectures, seminars, workshops),
  • declaration that we may use your data,

please send your application to More information, such as selection criteria or forms of continuing education, can be found here. You can view the profiles of our current eDOCs here.

How else can you support us?

If you find the idea of eDOCation exciting, we would be happy if you would personally recommend it to friends and acquaintances in academia and industry. You can also help us to expand our network and keep up to date with the latest news by following us on LinkedIn.

Pfeil Further Information




ALL DISCIPLINES: IP consultation hours of the patent and start-up management

Have you ever considered in the context of your dissertation – be it in the humanities, life sciences, natural sciences or social sciences – whether your research work can be protected and commercialized?

As part of the exclusive service offer for all employees of the university, you can now use the IP consultation hours of the patent and start-up management.

In a confidential and non-binding conversation you will have the opportunity to inform yourself about the following topics:

  • Inventions and invention disclosures (Is my idea new? If so, what can I do?)
  • Property rights (How can inventions be protected? What has to be taken into account?)
  • Patent applications (How does the process from the invention to the patent proceed at the University of Heidelberg?)
  • Copyright (How can I use the copyright for myself?)
  • Business strategies (What business possibilities do I have? What do I have to watch out for?)

PfeilFurther Information (in German)




LIFE SCIENCES: Veranstaltungsreihe "Überlebensstrategien"

Überlebensstrategien ist ein gemeinsames Projekt der lebens­wissenschaftlichen Sonderforschungsbereiche der Universität Heidelberg und der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (RNZ). Die Redakteure der Stadtredaktion Heidelberg begleiten jeweils eine Veranstaltung mit ihren persönlichen Fragen zu den vorgestellten Forschungsthemen, den beteiligten Wissenschaftlern und den Methoden.

Dieses Format der Moderation soll eine lebendige Brücke zum Publikum bilden, das in den Dialog einbezogen wird. In zwanglosem Rahmen im Karlstorbahnhof und mit musikalischer Begleitung durch Mitglieder des Collegium Musicum stellen die Sonderforschungs­bereiche ihre Fragestellungen und langfristigen Ziele vor.

PfeilFurther Information (in German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: StuRa free legal counsel for students

The free legal council ("unentgeltliche und unabhängige Rechtsberatung") offers students legal advice from specialized lawyers. We will schedule you an appointment, if you write an E-Mail to stating your situation. To the appointment you will need to bring you student-ID card.

PfeilFurther Information




ALL DISCIPLINES: Veranstaltungsprogramm des Career Service "Vom Studium in den Beruf"

Der Career Service der Universität Heidelberg unterstützt Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, Studierende und Young Professionals beim Übergang von der Universität in außeruniversitäre Arbeitsbereiche, damit Sie von Anfang an erfolgreich in Ihre Karriere starten bzw. fortführen können. Als Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden profitieren Sie von einem breit gefächerten Veranstaltungs- und Beratungsangebot in den Bereichen „Berufliches Know-how“ und „Professionell Bewerben“. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, Ihr Profil zu schärfen, Kenntnisse zu erfolgreichem Bewerbungsmanagement und wichtige Schlüsselkompetenzen zu erwerben. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie Informationen zu Unternehmen, Berufsfeldern und Arbeitsmarktperspektiven. Die Kurse, Einzelberatungen und Veranstaltungen werden sowohl von erfahrenen Mitarbeiterinnen des Career Service als auch von Experten/innen aus der Wirtschaft durchgeführt.

PfeilFurther Information (in German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: Online seminars aimed at young researchers offered by academics

This spring, academics GmbH is offering a new round of online seminars aimed at doctoral candidates and postdocs. The seminars will deal with topics such as: "Are doctoral studies right for me?", "Looking for and applying for jobs", "Which jobs am I suited for?" (all in German) and "Applying for doctoral and postdoc positions at German universities" (in English). It is necessary to be registered for the acadmics job newsletter in order to participate in the seminars.

Pfeil Further Information








VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: German Cancer Aid – Short Term Fellowship-Programm

Deadline: Anytime

The program allows funding of short-term (2 weeks to 4 months) national and international research stays at institutions in Germany and abroad, for knowledge exchange and learning of experimental techniques.

In addition, applications can be submitted to support active participation in workshops, 'summer schools' and scientific courses. Applications can be submitted at any time.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: EFR – Future Fellowships "Green Hydrogen 2023"

Deadline: Anytime

With this scholarship program, the DAAD supports master's students, doctoral candidates and postdocs from various disciplines who are working in the field of "green hydrogen". Funding is provided for research projects and self-organized internships in the extended European Research Area (ERA).

Funding is also available for a stay in other non-European countries (e.g. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Korea, Japan). PhD students and PostDocs can submit their application at any time.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




LIFE SCIENCES: EMBO – Maria Leptin Science Journalism Fellowship

Deadline: Anytime

The fellowship are intended for life scientists who wish to pursue a career in science journalism and journalists who wish to deepen and broaden their knowledge of the latest research fields and technologies.

Fellows will receive stipends for a duration of three to twelve months to fund stays in media outlets of any type, editorial offices or research institutions of their choice to help advance their careers.

Life scientists applying must have a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or higher, and must have published samples of any kind of their work in science journalism on topics related to basic biological research. Applicants must reside in one of the 31 EMBC Member States.

Applications can be submitted throughout the year, with three selection rounds per year. All complete applications received by 1 February, 1 June or 1 October will be considered. All applicants will be notified no later than four weeks after the respective selection deadline.

Pfeil Further Information




ALL DISCIPLINES: Vector Foundation – Emergency aid for Ukrainian refugee scientists

Deadline: Anytime

In view of the dramatic situation in Ukraine, the Vector Foundation would like to offer low-threshold support to refugee scientists quickly and unbureaucratically. To this end, the Vector Foundation provides funding to universities and research institutions in Baden-Württemberg to temporarily employ fled Ukrainian researchers in existing working groups and projects.

Universities, colleges and research institutions in Baden-Württemberg can apply for the funding together with the guest researcher. The funding will be paid out in the form of a fixed sum of 25,000 € per funded person. This call is open to all subject areas.

Applications for funding can now be submitted online via the Foundation's application portal.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: Förderprogramme – Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Deadline: Various Dates

Die Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) bietet u.a. folgende Stipendien für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden und Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler von deutschen Hochschulen an:

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY: Open Access Publishing Fund

Heidelberg University supports researchers who are willing to publish articles in open access journals with a publishing fund to cover article processing charges. One of the prerequisites for funding is that you are a researcher at Heidelberg University as well as the submitting or corresponding author of the article, who is responsible for the payment of the publication fee.

Pfeil Further information




EUROPEAN HISTORY AND RELIGIOUS HISTORY: Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) – IEG Fellowships for Doctoral Students

Deadline: 15.02.2025

The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) awards fellowships for international doctoral students in European history, the history of religion, historical theology, or other historical disciplines.

The IEG funds PhD projects on European history from the early modern period until 1989/90. Of particular interest are projects

  • with a comparative or cross-border approach
  • on European history in its relation to the wider world
  • on topics of intellectual and religious history

The IEG Fellowships provide a unique opportunity to pursue your individual PhD project while living and working for 6–12 months at the Institute in Mainz. The monthly stipend is € 1,350. Additionally, you can apply for family or child allowance.

Pfeil Further Information




ALL DISCIPLINES: DAAD – Scholarship Programme PROMOS 2025

Deadline: 16.02.2025

The PROMOS program promotes the international mobility of students and doctoral candidates at German universities. Individual scholarships and scholarships for student groups for competitive trips are awarded.

Applications can be submitted by any state or state-recognized German university. The funding is made available to the universities for the independent implementation and handling of the funding measures selected by the university.

Pfeil Further Information




ALL DISCIPLINES: French Embassy Germany – PROCOPE Mobility Grants

Deadline: 20.02.2025

The French Embassy in Germany offers PhD students and postdocs the opportunity to spend a short period of time (one to three months) in a French laboratory or research institute.

Applications are open to all non-French doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and young researchers who have completed their doctorate a maximum of 7 years ago and are working at a German research institution. All research areas are eligible.

The beneficiaries of the program receive monthly lump sums of 1 600 € (PhD students) and 2 100 € (post-doctoral students and research assistants) as well as transportation costs.

Pfeil Further Information








NATURE SCIENCES: Klaus Tschira Stiftung – KlarText: Prize for Science Communication

Deadline: 28.02.2025

An infographic is used to visualize complex relationships and directly illustrate connections. With this special prize, the Klaus Tschira Foundation would like to give newly graduated doctoral students the opportunity to present their central research result to a non-scientific audience.

The prize is awarded for an infographic or article in the fields of biology, chemistry, geosciences, computer science, mathematics or neuroscience (plus adjacent subjects). The prize money is 7,500 EUR.

All applicants are allowed to participate in the two-day digital seminar "Visualizing". There, they will learn how to visualize data in a descriptive way.

Applications can be sent by mail to until 28.02.2025.

Pfeil Further information (only German)





for Postdocs







ALL DISCIPLINES: University of Applied Sciences Dresden – HTWD Coffee-Hour

When? 12.02.2025, 4pm

Where? Online

The format of the Virtual Coffee Break consists of three parts, each lasting 45 minutes, and is aimed at all individuals interested in a professorship at a University of Applied Sciences (HAW).

In Part II of the Coffee Hour series on February 12, 2025, the project team of "prof@HTWD" will provide information on the " Requirements for the application documents for a HAW professorship." Among other things, they will explain the specific features distinguishing it from a university professorship and provide details on the appointment requirements.

Following the professional input, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions with the speakers and other participants.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)



ALL DISCIPLINES: Hei_INNOVATION – Lunch & Learn: Fantastic female role models

When? 14.02.2025, 11 am – 1 pm

Where? hei_INNOVATION HUB, Im Neuenheimer Feld 370, 69120 Heidelberg

Lunch & Learn is a new series of events organized by hei_INNOVATION for inspiring lunch breaks together. Exciting input from strong personalities and insights into innovative projects invite you to network, exchange ideas and think ahead. Lunch is not neglected either.

The second event in the Lunch and Learn series will also focus on the topic of "Female Role Models". We would like to hear from Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren, Equal Opportunities Officer at Heidelberg University and Professor of Organizational Behavior, Prof. Dr. Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, Chair of General Business Administration and Corporate Governance at the University of Mannheim, and Ina Schlie, multi-supervisory board member and business angel, about the role female role models have played in their own careers or research, and how they themselves cope with the role model function for young women.

The event will be held in German. It will also be filmed and photographed.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg Research Service - Online information event on EU funding opportunities in the field of health

When? 20.02.2025, 13-14.30 pm

Where? Online

On February 20, 2025, the Heidelberg Research Service in cooperation with the Research Dean's Office of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg and the National Contact Point (NCP) Health will host an online information event on current and future funding opportunities in Horizon Europe for collaborative research projects in the field of health.

Prof. Christian Klein from the Institute of Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology at Heidelberg University will report on his experiences with his successful project proposal SHIELD in Cluster 1. The Heidelberg Research Service will also present its support services, in particular the new EU Coordination Service.

Pfeil Registration




ALL DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg University – Postdoc Network Kickoff Event

When? 13.03.2025, 5-8 pm

Where? Im Neuenheimer Feld

The Heidelberg University Postdoc Network (HUPN) is dedicated to providing postdoctoral researchers with a platform for social engagement and collaboration.

The HUPN is based at the Im Neuenheimer Feld Campus. There are still some spots left on the committee. If you are interested, please send an email to:

If you would like to meet your postdoc peers, please sign up for the event. Everyone is welcome!

Pfeil Further Information and registration




ALL DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg Research Service – Information and Advice on Horizon Europe 2025

Deadline: Anytime

Under Horizon Europe, the EU's current framework programme for research and innovation (2021-2027), a large part of the funding budget is distributed by means of top-down calls for research proposals on specific subjects and aimed at international consortia of Principal Investigators (PIs) from different European universities and research organisations. These calls are predefined in work programmes for the various parts of Horizon Europe published every one or two years.

Current drafts of these work programmes are available from the Heidelberg Research Service. If you are interested in these calls and would like to coordinate or participate in a consortium applying for them, we kindly invite you to get in touch with the EU Team of the Heidelberg Research Service. In individual consultations, we can share the details of the EU drafts with you and advise you regarding the next steps.

If you are interested, then please contact Dr. Moritz Vogel ( or Dr. Xenja Herren (




ALL DISCIPLINES: heiTRACKS – Leadership Coaching for Junior Research Group Leaders

When? Anytime

Where? Online

The leadership coaching offers you temporary support in consciously and professionally shaping your leadership role as a junior group leader at Heidelberg University.

The offer is ongoing and can be taken up at any time. If you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Susanne Scheer:

Pfeil Further Information





ALL DISCILPINES: Heidelberg University – Courses of the Scientific Software Centre

When? Multiple dates

Where? Online

The Scientific Software Center (SSC) of Heidelberg University offers a variety of courses connected to scientific software development. If you want to learn git, how to test your software and about best practices in Python, then joing the half-day courses or block courses of the software center.

Pfeil Further information




ALL DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg University – IP & Transfer consultation hour of ScienceValue Heidelberg GmbH (SVH) at INF Campus

When? Multiple dates

Where? hei_INNOVATION Hub (INF 370)

Would you like to learn how to get the best possible protection for the intellectual property originating from your research results?

Then you are welcome to visit the next open IP & Transfer consultation hour of ScienceValue Heidelberg GmbH (SVH) at INF Campus Heidelberg to receive advice on all questions related to the exploitation of your intellectual property!
SVH's open IP & Transfer consultation hours at INF Campus Heidelberg are held monthly, usually on the first Tuesday of the month. 

If you have any questions, for example about scheduling an individual appointment, you can contact their team by sending an email to or by visiting their website.

Pfeil Further Information




ALL DISCIPLINES: Psychological University Ambulance – prEVENTion Heidelberg

When? Multiple dates

Where? Psychological Institute of Heidelberg University

The best prevention against depression, anxiety and mental stress is contact with other people. Therefore, the basic idea of prEVENTion is to prevent mental stress through joint positive activities. prEVENTion is an association in which students regularly organize and hold various activities (e.g. handicrafts, cooking, reading, sports) without any obligation.

Especially people who have experienced depression or who come from a family in which one or both parents were ill with depression should feel addressed, since there is an increased risk of illness here. Furthermore the offer is directed at people who do not (or no longer) have sufficient access to their social network (e.g. due to relocation, separation, change of life situation), or who are currently going through a difficult phase in life.

Pfeil Further Information




ALL DISCILPINES: Heidelberg University – Courses of the Scientific Software Centre

When? Multiple dates

Where? Online

The Scientific Software Center (SSC) of Heidelberg University offers a variety of courses connected to scientific software development. If you want to learn Git, how to test your software and about best practices in Python, then join the half-day courses or block courses of the software center.

They offer:

  • Courses related to scientific software development that are open for all faculties
  • A mentoring program "Reproducible Science" for doctoral students
  • Consultation hours to aid you with your software development questions
  • Software development services

Pfeil Further Information




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg University – Fields of Focus 4 “Transdisciplinary Research Area: Family”

Deadline: beginning September

The FoF 4 Main Research Area Family has a transdisciplinary focus and aims to network scientists with research interests in the field of family research across all four FoFs (life sciences, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences) at Heidelberg University and to initiate joint research activities in this area.

A first network meeting is planned to take place in September 2023. Scientists from all disciplines at Heidelberg University and from all academic career stages with a research focus on family research are cordially invited to attend. The specific date will be announced in due course.

Pfeil Further Information




ALL DISCIPLINES: eDOCation – Young researchers ("eDOCs") Further education for companies

What is eDOCation all about?

eDOCation is the first online platform where young scientists ("eDOCs") offer continuing education for companies. I launched the initiative together with my former doctoral colleague Tobias Hornig (now a data scientist at Siemens). The platform contributes to the transfer of knowledge from universities to business practice and to improving the financial situation and future prospects of doctoral students, postdocs and junior professors. Market research conducted by us has shown that our eDOCs could earn a high three-digit € amount for a two-hour research workshop in companies. At the same time, eDOCation offers companies and their employees the opportunity to benefit from state-of-the-art science in the sense of lifelong learning and to gain access to the country's brightest minds as mentors in the "war for talent". The company is currently being promoted by the Stifterverband as one of the "30 best ideas for the education, science and innovation system of tomorrow" as part of the WIRKUNG HOCH 100 initiative. More information about eDOCation is available at and in the attached presentation.

You want to get to know us?

The eDOCation Powerbank regularly offers free and non-binding workshops that can support you in research & teaching as well as personal growth. The following events are planned for the semester break (including links to Eventbrite).

Would you like to give talks in companies and be one of our eDOCs?
Send us your application including the following documents

  • CV [or link to LinkedIn profile],
  • High resolution picture,
  • research topic/s,
  • training offer for companies (e.g. lectures, seminars, workshops),
  • declaration that we may use your data,

please send your application to More information, such as selection criteria or forms of continuing education, can be found here. You can view the profiles of our current eDOCs here.

How else can you support us?

If you find the idea of eDOCation exciting, we would be happy if you would personally recommend it to friends and acquaintances in academia and industry. You can also help us to expand our network and keep up to date with the latest news by following us on LinkedIn.

Pfeil Further Information




POST-DOCS OF ALL DISCIPLINES: heiTRACKS Heidelberg University – Support for Postdoctoral Researchers - Two New Services

Career Coaching for Postdocs – Ongoing Services

Postdocs (2-4 years after completing their doctorate) now have the opportunity for individual Career Coaching. In confidential one-on-one meetings with a university internal coach, the own career path can be consciously reflected upon and actively shaped.

Pfeil Further Information




LIFE SCIENCES: Veranstaltungsreihe "Überlebensstrategien"

Überlebensstrategien ist ein gemeinsames Projekt der lebens­wissenschaftlichen Sonderforschungsbereiche der Universität Heidelberg mit der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (RNZ). Die Redakteure der Stadtredaktion Heidelberg begleiten jeweils eine Veranstaltung mit ihren persönlichen Fragen zu den vorgestellten Forschungsthemen, den beteiligten Wissenschaftlern und den Methoden.

Dieses Format der Moderation soll eine lebendige Brücke zum Publikum bilden, das in den Dialog einbezogen wird. In zwanglosem Rahmen im Karlstorbahnhof und mit musikalischer Begleitung durch Mitglieder des Collegium Musicum stellen die Sonderforschungs­bereiche ihre Fragestellungen und langfristigen Ziele vor.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: Interdisziplinäres Forum digitaler Textwissenschaften (Interdisciplinary Forum of Digital Textual Sciences)

Das Interdisziplinäre Forum digitaler Textwissenschaften ist ein offener Treffpunkt für alle, die mit Methoden der Digital Humanities arbeiten und über deren Hintergründe und Theorien diskutieren möchten. Einmal monatlich während der Vorlesungszeit finden öffentliche Vorträge statt mit der Möglichkeit, sich daran anschließend in gemütlicher Runde auszutauschen. Alle am Thema Interessierten sind zu den Veranstaltungen eingeladen. Wir möchten besonders Junior Researchers (Masterstudierende, Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, Postdocs) ansprechen, eigene Projektideen im Rahmen des Forums vorzustellen und von der fachübergreifenden Expertise der Teilnehmer:innen zu profitieren. Die Veranstaltungen finden zwischen dem 04.11.2020 und dem 17.02.2021, jeweils um 18.15 Uhr als virtuelle Formate statt.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)










VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: BMBK – Funding for applied energy research

Deadline: Anytime

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) supports companies, research institutes, universities and other institutions. New technologies, processes and services are needed to make Germany climate-neutral by 2045. At the same time, the resilience and security of the entire energy system must be maintained and expanded.

Collaborative projects involving industry and science are particularly welcome. The application procedure is usually a two-stage process.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: BMWK – R&D cooperation projects within the framework of ZIM

Deadline: Anytime

The "Central Innovation Program for SMEs" (ZIM) is an open-topic program to promote research and development (R&D) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and for non-profit research institutions cooperating with them.

Funding is available for R&D cooperation projects between companies or between companies and research institutions for the development of innovative products, processes or technical services without restriction to specific technologies or industries.

At Heidelberg University, you can obtain advice on knowledge and technology transfer, on the exploitation of research results and on planning start-ups from the transfer agency hei_INNOVATION.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: DFG – Support for Researchers in View of the Terrorist Attacks on Israel and Their Consequences

Deadline: Anytime

In view of the current situation, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is offering targeted support and relief measures to researchers in DFG-funded projects who are affected by the terrorist attacks by Hamas on Israel and the current situation in the region.

Additional proposals of up to 20,000 euros can be submitted informally by the project leader at short notice with appropriate justification and should be decided on promptly. The DFG Head Office is available for individual consultations for more extensive project adjustments and additional funding requirements.

In general, funding that has already been approved can also be used to ensure the continuation of research work without any further effort.

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VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: EFR – Future Fellowships "Green Hydrogen 2023"

Deadline: Anytime

With this scholarship program, the DAAD supports master's students, doctoral candidates and postdocs from various disciplines who are working in the field of "green hydrogen". Funding is provided for research projects and self-organized internships in the extended European Research Area (ERA).

Funding is also available for a stay in other non-European countries (e.g. Australia, New Zealand, Canada, South Korea, Japan). PhD students and PostDocs can submit their application at any time.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




LIFE SCIENCES: EMBO – Maria Leptin Science Journalism Fellowship

Deadline: Anytime

The fellowship are intended for life scientists who wish to pursue a career in science journalism and journalists who wish to deepen and broaden their knowledge of the latest research fields and technologies.

Fellows will receive stipends for a duration of three to twelve months to fund stays in media outlets of any type, editorial offices or research institutions of their choice to help advance their careers.

Life scientists applying must have a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or higher, and must have published samples of any kind of their work in science journalism on topics related to basic biological research. Applicants must reside in one of the 31 EMBC Member States.

Applications can be submitted throughout the year, with three selection rounds per year. All complete applications received by 1 February, 1 June or 1 October will be considered. All applicants will be notified no later than four weeks after the respective selection deadline.

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ALL DISCIPLINES: Fulbright Program – Fellowships for Research and Teaching

Deadline: Anytime

With the scholarships for German scientists, the Fulbright Commission supports the establishment and deepening of contacts between German and American universities and research institutions, the establishment of German and American guest lectureships and joint research projects at the respective universities involved.

Applications are open to postdoctoral scholars (professors, lecturers, and junior research assistants) who plan to spend three to nine months teaching and/or conducting research at an academic institution in the United States.

Applications can be submitted at any time, but at least nine months before the planned start of the stay. If you have any questions about the Research and Teaching program, please contact

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ALL DISCIPLINES: Humboldt Foundation – Henriette Herz-Scouting-Program

Deadline: Anytime

The Henriette Herz Scouting Program enables successful scientists in Germany to actively approach highly sought-after international researchers from abroad who have not yet applied to the Foundation and invite them to carry out joint research projects at their institutions.

Apply to become a scout if you hold a (junior) professorship or comparable management position (e.g. group leader) in Germany, can demonstrate visible academic success, have a good international network and successfully promote the careers of junior researchers. As a Humboldt Scout, you can identify up to three potential research fellows abroad per year and propose them for a Humboldt Research Fellowship.

Applications for a position as a scout can be made online at any time via the foundation's website.

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PHYSICS: NSF/DFG – Funding Opportunity for Collaborations in Physics

Deadline: Anytime

To facilitate the support of collaborative work between US groups and their German counterparts, the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Physics Division (PHY) and the DFG’s Physics and Chemistry division have recently agreed on a joint lead-agency process for projects in the area of Physics.

Proposals in which the DFG is the lead agency can be submitted on a continuous basis. For proposals in which the lead agency is the NSF, please refer to the NSF-Physics Division for specific timing of deadlines.

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ALL DISCIPLINES: Vector Foundation – Emergency aid for Ukrainian refugee scientists

Deadline: Anytime

In view of the dramatic situation in Ukraine, the Vector Foundation would like to offer low-threshold support to refugee scientists quickly and unbureaucratically. To this end, the Vector Foundation provides funding to universities and research institutions in Baden-Württemberg to temporarily employ Ukrainian researchers who have fled in existing working groups and projects.

Universities, colleges and research institutions in Baden-Württemberg can apply for the funding together with the guest researcher. The funding will be paid out in the form of a fixed sum of 25,000 € per funded person. This call is open to all subject areas.

Applications for funding can now be submitted online via the Foundation's application portal.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: Vector Foundation – Grants for research projects in the field of climate protection

Application deadline: Anytime

The Vector Foundation has opened its 2024 call for proposals for the project "Research for Climate Protection". Project applications can be submitted on an ongoing basis. The program supports researchers in their search for scientific and technical solutions for better climate protection. The current call for proposals is aimed at scientists who are working on new innovative concepts or technological (further) developments to reduce CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.

Universities, colleges and non-university research institutions in Baden-Württemberg are eligible to apply. Projects can be carried out as individual or joint projects. Up to 350,000 euros can be applied for per project for a maximum duration of 36 months.

There is no deadline for submission. Applications for funding can be submitted online via the application portal throughout the year.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: BMBF – Promotion of quantum technologies

Deadline: Various dates

The BMBF is participating in the partnership "Joint Undertaking Chips" (JU Chips). Within this framework, one of the objectives of the "Chips for Europe" initiative is to support the development and introduction of state-of-the-art quantum technology. In particular, advanced capacities are to be created to accelerate the development of innovative quantum chips.

As a rule, the Chips JV publishes annual calls for proposals. Projects are selected for European funding by the JV Chips in a one- or two-stage procedure involving external experts.

Applicants are obliged to contact the responsible project management organization (VDI TZ) of the BMBF before submitting a project proposal and to submit a pre-proposal in order to ensure support at national level in the subsequent process.

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BIOSCIENCES: VolkswagenFoundation – Next: Quantum Biology

Deadline: 11.02.2025

Within the funding framework "NEXT", the Volkswagen Foundation intends to take up new or little researched topics and research approaches that have a high knowledge potential and relevance for the future.

This call aims to enhance the scientific understanding of the fundamental mechanisms underlying quantum effects in biological systems. The Volkswagen Foundation invites interdisciplinary collaborative research teams to experimentally validate theoretical hypotheses.

The call is open to postdoctoral researchers and professors in the natural and life sciences at German universities and other research institutions. The Foundation supports interdisciplinary research projects with up to 2 million euros for a funding period of up to 5 years.

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VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: HCE – ExU Funds for Seed Initiatives

Deadline: 14.02.2025

For the year 2025, the Heidelberg Center for the Environment (HCE) commands additional 25.000 EUR from ExU funds for preparing new research initiatives. This seed funding can be used to support workshops, seminars, and other events, focusing on innovative interdisciplinary research topics.

A thematic link to the broader area of sustainable development, earth system science or environment-human interactions is welcome but not mandatory. Ideally, this funding should be used as lever for initiating new research networks and/or preparing interdisciplinary applications for larger project calls.

This call is specifically directed to junior researchers (PostDocs, junior group leaders) to initiate new research networks.

If you have further questions, please contact




NATURAL SCIENCES: BMBF – Evaluation and impact of agroecology on the value chain

Deadline: 17.02.2025

The focus of the BMBF measure will be on the evaluation and impact of agroecology in the following aspects: Quantification of environmental impacts, transformation of value chains and contributions from the political and public side to support the transformation to agroecology.

Accordingly, projects on the following key topics are funded:

  • Priority 1: Assessing the impact of agroecology and identifying best practices
  • Priority 2: Value chains, business models and policy approaches to enable the transition to agroecology

The maximum German funding amount is 350,000 euros per association (incl. project allowance). The application procedure has three stages.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




BIOSCIENCES: BMBF – Multidisciplinary research projects on pharmacogenomic strategies

Deadline: 18.02.2025

The aim of this EU co-funded funding measure is to (1) identify new pharmacogenomic markers or signatures for PM using (multi-)omics approaches or (2) validate them to predict the efficacy of a drug or drug combination, or (3) develop pharmaco-omics strategies (i.e. strategies based on omics data in addition to genomic data in relation to treatment outcomes) to create personalized treatment pathways.

Eligible German institutions can generally receive funding of up to 300,000 euros (including overheads) for a period of up to three years. The application procedure has three stages.

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HUMANITIES: DFG – UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities

Deadline: 19.02.2025

The Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) are launching a call for proposals for outstanding joint UK-German research projects in the Humanities. Both funding agencies want to strengthen international cooperation in the fields of arts and humanities to fund academic research of the highest quality within their own countries.

Projects must have well-defined joint working programmes that are clearly demonstrating the added value of UK-German collaboration. The duration of the projects must not exceed three years. Successful projects will be expected to start in early 2026.

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ALL DISCIPLINES: Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching - "Freedom for Teaching Development" funding program

Deadline: 20.02.2025

The Foundation for Innovation in University Teaching promotes experimental concepts for the creative further development of university teaching. All full-time employees of German universities are eligible to apply.

Only one application can be submitted per person and project idea. The maximum funding amount is 400,000 euros per project for a period of up to 24 months (earliest project start: 01.04.2026; latest project end: 31.03.2028).

When submitting the application, it must be confirmed that the university management has been "informed" and will provide administrative support for the project. Please contact Ms. Petra Eggensperger for this purpose:

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ALL DISCIPLINES: French Embassy Germany – PROCOPE Mobility Grants

Deadline: 20.02.2025

The French Embassy in Germany offers PhD students and postdocs the opportunity to spend a short period of time (one to three months) in a French laboratory or research institute.

Applications are open to all non-French doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and young researchers who have completed their doctorate a maximum of 7 years ago and are working at a German research institution. All research areas are eligible.

The beneficiaries of the program receive monthly lump sums of 1 600 € (PhD students) and 2 100 € (post-doctoral students and research assistants) as well as transportation costs.

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PSYCHOLOGY: BMBF – Applied research projects on the mental health of students

Deadline: 21.02.2025

With this measure, the BMBF is supporting research into the mental health of students in order to enable evidence-based action by counseling units for students, universities, politicians and other stakeholders.

Research projects can address the significance, causes and consequences of mental health at different points in the student life cycle, e.g. the influence of health impairments on academic success, the role of health impairments in the transition to doctoral studies, etc.

Funding for the projects is generally provided for a period of 36 months. The application procedure has a two-stage structure.

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ALL DISCIPLINES: UNAM-DFG – Funding Opportunity for Joint German-Mexican Research Projects

Deadline: 24.02.2025

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) are announced the third call for proposals to fund joint German-Mexican research projects in all fields of research (including social sciences and the humanities).

Funding within this initiative is available for collaborative research projects involving researchers from Germany and from UNAM. At the DFG, all proposals must be submitted through the DFG´s electronic proposal processing system elan by 16 February 2024.

At Heidelberg University, you can also contact the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA) for more information on cooperation and joint research projects in Latin America:

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VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: DFG – Joint-Korean-German Research Projects 2025 in the Natural, Life and Engineerin Sciences

Deadline: 26.02.2025

This call provides funding for joint research projects carried out between highly qualified researchers in the Republic of Korea and their German counterparts. The joint proposals have to be based on a close interaction and exchange between the Korean and German research teams and should present joint project goals and a joint work plan with balanced contributions from all project partners.

The present call is open to joint projects on knowledge-driven research in the fields of natural, life and engineering sciences, excluding humanities and social sciences.

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VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: BMBF – Benefits in data ecosystems as part of the ESF Plus program

Deadline: 28.02.2025

The BMBF funds joint projects with the aim of developing concepts and methods to network heterogeneous value creation partners using key technologies for data-oriented value creation.

There are four focal points:

  • effects of data-oriented value creation in organizations that do not pursue the profit target, or not in all areas
  • anticipation of changes and new skills requirements based on the needs of the labor market
  • emerging key technologies such as artificial intelligence as a special form of data-driven value creation
  • data spaces and platforms that enable data-oriented value creation and have simultaneously emerged from it

The collaborative projects are supplemented by a scientific project that places the funded collaborative projects in an overarching framework.

The planned project duration is usually three years. The application procedure is a two-stage process. When submitting an outline, the Research Department asks for a brief notification to the Heidelberg Research Service.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: BMBF – Cross-sectoral measures for resilient care in the area of civil security

Deadline: 28.02.2025

With this measure, the BMBF aims to realize innovative, application-oriented solutions that increase the extent to which the supply of critical and system-relevant goods, aid and services to the population, the economy and the state can be maintained in crisis and disaster situations.

There are two deadlines for submitting research projects under the funding guideline.

  • The focus of the first deadline is on preventive risk and crisis management measures to increase the resilience of supply security structures.
  • The second deadline focuses on reactive risk and crisis management measures to ensure the supply of critical and system-relevant goods and services to the population, economy and administration in the event of an incident, even in dynamically developing situations.

The research projects are scheduled to run for a period of three years. The application procedure is a two-stage process. When submitting an outline, the Research Department asks for a brief notification to the Heidelberg Research Service.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: Körber Foundation – German Study Award 2025

Deadline: 01.03.2025

Are you convinced that science can change the world? Are you able to clearly explain the social significance of your dissertation project in a short report? Then apply!

The competition is aimed at young scientists from all disciplines who have submitted an excellent dissertation of particular social significance in 2024. Three top prizes of 25,000 euros each will be awarded.

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VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: BMBF – Innovative bioproduction for a climate-neutral industry

Deadline: 03.03.2025

The aim of the BMBF measure is to promote pre-competitive research and development (R&D) projects that decisively advance innovative biotechnological processes on their way to industrial application. The R&D projects are to be carried out in cooperation between industry and science - ideally under industrial leadership.

Possible topics for R&D projects could be (exemplary list):

  • Utilization of renewable carbon sources for the production of platform chemicals in the chemical industry
  • Resource-efficient production of fine chemicals Development of sustainable lubricants, adhesives or coatings
  • Development of bio-based ingredients
  • Sustainable, industrial production of fibers for recyclable textiles

The funding period is usually three years. The application procedure is a two-stage process. When submitting an outline, the Research Department asks for a brief notification to the Heidelberg Research Service.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




NEUROSCIENCES: BMBF – Interdisciplinary approaches in the neuroscience of pain as part of the ERA-NET NEURON

Deadline: 06.03.2025

As part of the ERA-NET NEURON, the BMBF is funding collaborative projects that contribute to fundamental translational and interdisciplinary research into the neuroscience of pain.

The aim of the funding measure is to improve the understanding of neuroscientific aspects of pain through interdisciplinary approaches. On this basis, the treatment repertoire of promising therapeutic approaches can be expanded, diagnostic possibilities can be specified and prevention can be improved. In addition, cooperation within the network should lead to better international and interdisciplinary networking of German research groups.

Collaborative projects are generally supported for a period of up to 36 months. The application procedure consists of three stages. When submitting an outline, the Research Department asks for a brief notification to the Heidelberg Research Service.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: BMBF – Interdisciplinary pilot projects on the topic of neurobiologically inspired artificial intelligence

Deadline: 06.03.2025

The aim of the BMBF measure is to fund pilot projects at the interface of neuroscience and AI that demonstrate the synergy potential of integrating the two disciplines, both for the further development of AI and for the understanding of fundamental functional principles in neurobiological systems.

The funding of pilot projects is also intended to identify requirements and paths for the further implementation and transfer of promising innovation ideas. To this end, close interdisciplinary cooperation between neuroscientific and neuromedical researchers and researchers in the field of AI is to be effectively implemented. The focus is on the question of how findings from the neurosciences can influence the further development of AI systems.

The application process has a two-stage structure. When submitting an outline, the Research Department asks for a brief notification to the Heidelberg Research Service.

Pfeil Further Information (only German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Feodor Lynen Research Fellowships

Deadline: Anytime

With the Feodor Lynen Research Fellowships, the Humboldt Foundation enables researchers from Germany with above-average qualifications to spend long-term research periods abroad with members of the Humboldt Network. Applications are possible from all disciplines and for all countries abroad.

Who is eligible to apply?
Postdocs who are at the beginning of their academic career and have completed their doctorate no more than four years ago can apply for a 6 to 24-month fellowship.

Experienced researchers who completed their doctorate no more than twelve years ago can apply for a 6- to 18-month fellowship. Applicants are expected to have a clearly recognisable independent academic profile. As a rule, they should therefore already be working at least as a post-doctoral lecturer or junior professor, be in charge of a junior research group or be able to demonstrate several years of independent academic activity.

Scholarship benefits
The amount of the scholarship varies depending on the destination country and living situation. Please use the scholarship calculator to calculate the amount individually. Travel expenses are additionally reimbursed.

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ALL DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg University – Bridging funding for PostDocs within the framework of heiTRACKS

Deadline: Anytime

Introducing the option of bridging funding for independent junior researchers on the path to professorship within the framework of the heiTRACKS programme.

For independent junior researchers who from July 1st, 2021 acquire an ERC Starting Grant or a DFG Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Group Leader, Heidelberg University offers bridging funding as part of its heiTRACKS programme for the promotion of young researchers. Subject to a positive evaluation, the position of the junior research group leader will continue to be financed until a professorship is attained (but for a maximum of three years). The evaluation takes place at the end of the fourth year of the project and includes as criteria (1) the successful acquisition of further third-party funding, amounting to at least 200,000 EUR and (2) subject-specific outstanding and independent publication achievements.

Please note: Bridging funding does not apply to the Medical Faculties Mannheim and Heidelberg.

For further questions on bridging funding and advice on the application procedures for ERC Starting Grants and the DFG Emmy Noether programme, please contact the project manager(s) responsible for your area of research in the Heidelberg Research Service of the Research Division (D6).

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VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: Heidelberg University – Fields of Focus 4: Early-Career Projects Get Started!

Deadline: Anytime

The Research Council of FoF4: „Self-Regulation and Regulation: Individuals and Societies” plans to fund research projects by early-career researchers (i.e., regularly post-doctoral researchers with non-permanent positions but eventually also doctoral students) who intend to use on of the core facilities at Heidelberg University for a specific research project.

This call is open for all areas of research. Projects should address one specific research aim or comprise one particular study that then provides the necessary preliminary work for acquiring third-party funding (e.g. a DFG individual grant).

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ALL DISCIPLINES: European Commission – Open Access Publishing Plattform

Deadline: Anytime

The European Commission has launched the Open Access publishing platform "Open Research Europe" for publishing research results from Horizon 2020. The platform facilitates OA compliance for project beneficiaries and provides a publishing venue for researchers to share their results and findings and engage in open, constructive research discussion, including through peer review.

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MEDICINE AND NATURAL SCIENCES: Stipendien der Max-Kade-Foundation

Deadline: Anytime

Das Stipendienprogramms der Max-Kade-Foundation zielt darauf ab, Forschungsaufenthalte von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern aus den Bereichen der Naturwissenschaften und Medizin aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den USA zu fördern.

Die Stipendien sind für überdurchschnittlich qualifizierte Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler (im Regelfall bis zu 12 Jahren nach Promotion) bestimmt, die sich bereits durch eine mehrjährige Forschungstätigkeit oder herausragende Forschungsleistungen fachlich ausweisen können.

Die Stipendien werden für die Dauer von 12 Monaten vergeben. Das Grundstipendium beträgt 53.500 USD. Es können Zuschläge für Ehegatten/Lebenspartner/Kinder/Reisekosten gewährt werden.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




ALL DISCIPLINES: Walter Benjamin-Programm (Postdocs)

Deadline: Anytime

Das Walter Benjamin-Programm ermöglicht es Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern in der Qualifizierungsphase im Anschluss an die Promotion, ein eigenes Forschungsvorhaben am Ort ihrer Wahl selbständig umzusetzen.
Mit der Einwerbung von Fördergeldern für ein eigenständiges Forschungsvorhaben wird der Grundstein für die weitere, zunehmend selbständige wissenschaftliche Karriere gelegt und die erwünschte Eigenverantwortlichkeit von besonders qualifizierten Postdoktorandinnen und Postdoktoranden gestärkt. Das Programm dient damit der Förderung der frühen wissenschaftlichen Karriere. Es hat zum Ziel, die in dieser Karrierephase relevante Mobilität und thematische Weiterentwicklung zu unterstützen, daher ist in dem Programm im Regelfall ein Wechsel der Einrichtung vorgesehen.

Antragsberechtigt sind Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler ausschließlich in einer frühen wissenschaftlichen Karrierephase. Eine Förderung bedingt eine abgeschlossene wissenschaftliche Ausbildung (mit Promotion). Das Vorhaben darf an keiner Einrichtung angesiedelt werden, die nicht gemeinnützig ist, oder die die Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse in allgemein zugänglicher Form nicht gestattet.

Pfeil Further Information (in German)




NATURAL SCIENCES AND MEDICINE: Leopoldina-Postdoc-Stipendium

Deadline: Anytime

Zielgruppe des Programms sind jüngere Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz aus naturwissenschaftlichen und medizinischen Fachgebieten, die bereits ein eigenständiges Forschungsprofil erkennen lassen. Bei bewilligter Förderung führen sie eigenständige Projekte an den renommiertesten Forschungsstätten ihrer Disziplinen im Ausland durch. Deutsche Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler müssen Forschungsstätten im Ausland wählen.

Österreichische und schweizerische Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler können sich nur für Gastinstitute in Deutschland bewerben.

Ziel des Programms ist, dass die Geförderten nach Ablauf des Förderzeitraums in ihr Heimatland zurückkehren und ihre erworbene Qualifikation in den Wissenschaftsstandort einbringen.

Pfeil  Further Information (in German)




VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung: Forschungsstipendien für Postdocs

Deadline: Anytime

The Fritz Thyssen Foundation is awarding research stipends to junior postdocs who want to fully focus on a research project of their choice for one to two years.

Eligible are postdocs who have been awarded their doctoral / PhD degrees one to two years prior to their applications. They should be able to carry out their project within one to two years. The project needs to be linked to their own, independent research plan that is to be carried out while working at a university or non-profit research organisation.

An application can be filed in the following areas of support (for details, please visit the webpage of the Thyssen foundation):

  • History, Language & Culture
  • The interdisciplinary field “Image–Sound–Language”
  • State, Economy and Society
  • Medicine and the Natural Sciences

Funding is basically reserved for projects that are related to the promotion areas of the Foundation and have a clear connection to the German research system. This connection can be established either at a personal level through German scientists working on the project, at an institutional level through non-German scientists being affiliated to German research institutes or through studies on topics related thematically to German research interests.

No stipends are awarded for doctoral dissertations or “Habilitationen” (post-doctoral research) or to complete such works to follow up support through other institutions. The foundation generally does not accept any applications for projects if applications are being filed with other institutions offering support at the same time. An application that is refused by another institution can be filed with the foundation along with a note explaining why it was refused.

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ALL DISCIPLINES: Förderprogramme – Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Deadline: abhängig vom jeweiligen Programm

Die Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) bietet u.a. folgende Stipendien für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden und Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an deutschen Hochschulen an:

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HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY: Open Access Publishing Fund

Heidelberg University supports researchers who are willing to publish articles in open access journals with a publishing fund to cover article processing charges. One of the prerequisites for funding is that you are a researcher at Heidelberg University as well as the submitting or corresponding author of the article, who is responsible for the payment of the publication fee.

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HISTORICAL SCIENCES: Forschungsstipendien am Deutschen Historischen Institut Paris

Deadline: Anytime

Das Deutsche Historische Institut Paris (DHIP) fördert den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs im Bereich der Geschichtswissenschaften. Es vergibt hierzu Stipendien an fortgeschrittene M.A.-Studierende, Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, Post-Doktorandinnen und Post-Doktoranden und Habilitierte für Forschungsvorhaben zur westeuropäischen, insbesondere zur französischen und deutsch-französischen Geschichte.

Das DHIP unterstützt laufende Forschungsprojekte in ihrer Durchführung (Mobilitäts-Stipendien, Resident-Stipendien) sowie die Entwicklung neuer Forschungsprojekte (Forschungsstart-Stipendien).

Die Stipendien des DHIP richten sich an Bewerberinnen und Bewerber aus der deutschen Wissenschaftslandschaft, unabhängig von ihrer Nationalität. Die Zugehörigkeit zu einer deutschen Krankenversicherung ist obligatorisch. Die Höhe eines Stipendiums des DHIP beträgt monatlich 2.000 € für Habilitierte sowie Post-Doktoranden und Post-Doktorandinnen, 1.500 € für Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden und 1.200 € für M.A.-Studierende.

Pfeil  Further Information (in German)







VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Carl Zeiss Humboldt Research Award

Deadline: Anytime

With the Carl Zeiss Humboldt Research Award, the Humboldt Foundation honors an internationally recognized scientific personality from abroad and his or her body of work to date.

The prize is awarded to researchers in the fields of mathematics, computer science and natural sciences who have established a cooperation with colleagues in Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia.

The prize is endowed with 100,000 euros, supplemented by funds amounting to 50,000 euros for continued financing of the cooperation established. Nominations can be submitted throughout the year.

If nominated, the Research Department would appreciate a brief notification:

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VARIOUS DISCIPLINES: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation – Humboldt Research Award

Deadline: Anytime

This science prize honors leading international scientists from all disciplines from abroad for their overall work to date. The prize money amounts to 60,000 euros.

Excellent researchers from abroad from all disciplines and all countries can be nominated for the Humboldt Research Award. The award winners are also invited to carry out research projects of their own choice in Germany in cooperation with specialist colleagues.

An independent selection committee of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation decides on the nominations submitted twice a year in spring and fall. The review process takes approximately six months.

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LIFE SCIENCES: Schering Foundation – Schering Young Investigator Award 2025

Deadline: 09.02.2024

With the Schering Young Investigator Award, the Ernst Schering Foundation annually honors scientists who have made outstanding achievements in basic research in the field of life sciences. The €10,000 prize is intended to support scientists in advancing their research careers and establishing themselves in the scientific community.

Scientists who have completed their excellent dissertation within the last six years (exceptions may be possible upon presentation of appropriate evidence), work in Germany and research fundamental questions in the life sciences are eligible to apply.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Katja Naie:

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NATURE SCIENCES: Klaus Tschira Stiftung – KlarText: Prize for Science Communication

Deadline: 28.02.2025

An infographic is used to visualize complex relationships and directly illustrate connections. With this special prize, the Klaus Tschira Foundation would like to give newly graduated doctoral students the opportunity to present their central research result to a non-scientific audience.

The prize is awarded for an infographic or article in the fields of biology, chemistry, geosciences, computer science, mathematics or neuroscience (plus adjacent subjects). The prize money is 7,500 EUR.

All applicants are allowed to participate in the two-day digital seminar "Visualizing". There, they will learn how to visualize data in a descriptive way.

Applications can be sent by mail to until 28.02.2025.

Pfeil Further information (only German)







If you are looking for:

  • test persons or collaborators for your doctoral project,
  • for language or intercultural exchange (tandem, peer mentoring etc.) partners or
  • for other forms of academic or professional exchange,

we would like to offer you the opportunity to post your search on our digital "bulletin board".
To post a search, please fill out the corresponding form (MS Word Doc) Word and send it to our email address:
Please note:

  • Your advertisement will be published with the following information: your first and last name, email address, and short description of your search request. If you would like a different format, please let us know in your message.
  • The advertisement will appear on our digital bulletin board for a period of four weeks.
  • A one-time extension of a further four weeks is possible upon request.
  • If you complete your search before the four weeks are over, please let us know.
  • We reserve the right to publish only search requests that are compatible with the mission statement and principles of the university.







Web Administrator: air
Last updated: 2025-02-06
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