Contact information LGF program

Graduate Academy Heidelberg University

LGF program

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
69120 Heidelberg


LGF representatives at faculties

You can find the contact person for LGFG fellowships at your faculty here.

Show LGF representatives

Useful links

Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF)

Individual doctoral fellowships of the LGF program
Completion grants of the LGF program
Fellowships in LGF research training groups
LGF representatives at faculties
DAAD additional fellowships
Award of LGF Fellowships by other institutions

Individual doctoral fellowships of the LGF program

The Graduate Academy awards individual fellowships to doctoral candidates with above-average qualifications funded through the Baden-Württemberg Landesgraduiertenförderung (LGF) Program (depending on the allocation of funds by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts).


Due to budget cuts by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg, there will be no call for applications for individual fellowships in 2025.

Applications for the extension of already awarded individual fellowships can be submitted to the Graduate Academy as of March 2025. 

►Further information



Individual fellowships – documents and forms



Please find here the forms for recipients of individual doctoral fellowships and for their supervisors.

Forms for individual fellowship recipients

Forms for supervisors


Completion grants of the LGF program

The Heidelberg Graduate Academy is awarding completion grants funded through the LGF program (depending on the allocation of funds by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts). The grants are open to doctoral candidates with above-average qualifications for the completion of their dissertation projects.

Due to budget cuts by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg, there will be no call for applications for completion grants in spring 2025.

The next call for applications for completion grants is expected to begin in September 2025 with the earliest start of funding in February 2026.

►Further information



Completion grants – documents and forms


Please find here the forms for recipients of completion grants and for their supervisors.

Forms for completion grant recipients

Forms for supervisors


Fellowships in LGF research training groups

Fellowship recipients can find all documents required for receiving the payments and for applying for the extension of the fellowships in LGF research training groups below.


LGF research training groups – documents and forms

Forms for fellowship recipients in a research training group

Forms for supervisors


LGF representatives at faculties

You can find the contact person for LGFG fellowships at your faculty here.

► Show LGF representatives


DAAD additional fellowships

The DAAD awards additional fellowships to accompany LGF fellowships for longer stays abroad and for binational dissertations:
► GRAFÖG (additional DAAD fellowships) (German only) Externer Inhalt






Award of LGF Fellowships by other institutions

The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Art and the Heidelberg University Graduate Academy support doctoral candidates with fellowships during their doctoral training. In addition to the Graduate Academy, the following institutions also offer fellowships through the LFG program:

► Jüdische Hochschule in Heidelberg Externer Inhalt
► Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in München
► Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
► Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde Baden-Württemberg Externer Inhalt



Frequently Asked Questions

A page with the most frequently asked questions about LGF fellowships is available here:
► FAQ about LGF fellowships for individual doctoral training

Web Administrator: Eric Herbst
Latest Revision: 2025-02-05
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