Contact information

Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University

Academic and Professional Development

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
Room 4
69120 Heidelberg

Dr. Melanie Niese

Telephone Icon 17x17 + 49 (0) 6221 54 - 19769


We are offering a wide range of e-learning courses – please register via our database (keyword: e-learning course), if you are interested in obtaining a license for any of these courses!

More information:
E-learning program

Useful Links
Other course providers
primers for predocs


We are taking a break and will be back with a range of exciting topics.



Graduate Academy Seminar Program

Seminarprogramm 2024-I Bild klein
Download seminar program per click
The seminar program of the Graduate Academy supports doctoral candidates in developing the skills and in obtaining the qualifications necessary to successfully accomplish their dissertations and to develop professional perspectives for their career in academia or in the private sector.

Beside the open course program for which doctoral candidates can register individually, we organize courses for structured doctoral programs. These courses are provided in cooperation with collaborators at the University as well as with qualified trainers.


Further information:
► Information for structured doctoral programs
► Our collaborators
► Our trainers
► Our course archive
► German Language Course - Deutsch für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen





Current Course Program


Please use your Uni ID to access the new database and to register for our courses (from January 2023).


Open courses in April and May 2024


To register for a course, please first log in to the course database.


Einfach überzeugend auftreten // 23. & 24.04.2024
9–17 / 9–13 Uhr; Roman Jaburek
Präsenz in Heidelberg
Die Basis in diesem Workshop ist das vom Trainer entwickelte Stimmigkeits-System. Dieses berücksichtigt die drei wichtigsten Elemente für unsere mündliche Kommunikation: Stimme, Persönlichkeit und Botschaft. Es geht darum, in jeder Sprechsituation die eigene Stimme gekonnt einzusetzen, einfach authentisch zu sein und den Inhalt so zu vermitteln, dass er auf Anhieb verstanden wird.
Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung


Erfolgreich die Dissertation publizieren in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften // 14.05.2024
10–13 Uhr; Dr. Martin Nissen (UB Heidelberg)
Präsenz in Heidelberg
Der Kurs bietet umfassende Informationen rund um das Thema Publikationsstrategien für Doktorand:innen in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. U. a. werden Publikationsformen und -strategien, Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten sowie Auswahl, Zusammenarbeit und Verhandlung mit dem Verlag besprochen.
Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung


Karriereplanung: Wirtschaft oder Wissenschaft // 15. & 16.05.2024
9–13:30 Uhr / 30 min p.P.; Bianca Sievert
Eine Entscheidung für Wirtschaft oder Wissenschaft zu treffen ist sicherlich oft nicht einfach – je früher Sie sich entscheiden, desto einfacher ist es jedoch, sich für den gewünschten Tätigkeitsbereich gut zu qualifizieren. Denn innerhalb der Hochschule benötigen Sie andere Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen als außerhalb. Der Workshop hilft Ihnen dabei, diese Entscheidung zu treffen.
Mehr Informationen und Anmeldung


Make an Impact: Networking and Self-Marketing Skills for Scientists // 28. & 29.05.2024
9 am–5 pm; Guido Molina (impulsplus)
How can I make an impact in professional contexts such as small-talk situations at conferences? What can help me in situations where I face an international crowd and how can I connect to an interdisciplinary audience? The workshop offers the opportunity to enhance overall effective communication (verbal and non-verbal), as well as interpersonal settings, in order to improve networking and self-promotion opportunities.
More information and registration


Registration / Cancellation


The courses are only open to doctoral students who are registered at a faculty of Heidelberg University. Doctoral students who are registered at a foreign university but are in Heidelberg temporarily for research purposes can take part in the courses if they are matriculated as a visiting student or have a visiting scholar card (the card is available at the Welcome Centre).

Registration for the courses takes place through an online form found at the end of each course description.

Registration is binding. You can cancel your registration in writing (by email) up to 14 days before the course begins without penalty. Afterwards, we will have to retain your course fee unless you can provide a doctor’s certificate in the case of illness or we can fill your place with someone from the waiting list.
Important: If you do not attend a course for which you have registered and do not let us know in advance, you will automatically be put on the waiting list when you try to register for another course. If you are absent from a course a second time without excusing yourself in advance, you will be excluded from participating in our seminar program for 6 months.
Please keep in mind that we have waiting lists for many courses. If you register for a course and then fail to attend without giving notice, your place can not be filled even though there may be another doctoral student who needed or was interested in the course.

We expect participants to be present for the entire duration of the course. Exceptions can be made only after prior consultation with the Graduate Academy. We will issue certificates of participation only to those participants who have attended at least 80% of the course.



We charge a small fee for the courses, usually in the amount of 15 Euro per course day (exceptions are possible). This is a lump-sum fee that covers the costs for refreshments and course materials, among others. Any surplus which may arise flows back into the course program.

Several weeks before the course begins, you will receive a payment request containing the pertinent bank account and reference information. We ask you to pay the fee by bank transfer within one week.

We charge different fees for the German language courses. The regulations for these courses are found in the course description.

If you have any questions or suggestions, you are welcome to contact us:

Tel.: 06221 / 54-19769

Visitors' Address:
Graduate Academy
Im Neuenheimer Feld 370



Quality Management of the Seminar Program

The Graduate Academy ensures the high quality of the course program. For this purpose, each course is evaluated by the participants. In addition, we consider the popularity of the courses. In the case of courses organized specifically for structured doctoral programs we also take into account the feedback of the program coordinators.

Participant Feedback (Selection)

Course: Strategies for a successful doctorate

"The project structure plan helped me to get an overview of my project."

"The advice on preparing meetings was very helpful and I definitely will make use of it."

Course: Scientific Writing

"The methods helped me to clarify my aims and to structure the text."

"The discussions and the feedback gave me many ideas for improvements."


Web Administrator: Eric Herbst
Latest Revision: 2024-04-09
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